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Everything posted by Truecifer

  1. KSI Skarzx 77 Write Right http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/42869-ksi-skarzx-77/ KSI GenghisKhan Write Right http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/39328-ksi-genghiskhan/ KSIGGKayPiccolo Write Right http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/42876-ksiggkaypiccolo/
  2. Personally, OS Lv 1 - Yes from me Ronin has done so many things for this community and is obviously outstanding, otherwise he wouldn't be where he is in KSI
  3. Still need someone to witness that this member has been in KSI with a gold KSI tag for at least one year. Please and thank you
  4. I am releasing my right to vote for the third time for this award. I have many reasons for doing so, especially to highlight the fact that KSI Mpliers 7 has mentored myself from Co-founder to Senior Director. He has done so much for me, yet he has done a million times more than that for KSI as a whole. Listed below are feats or KSI Mpliers 7 and explanations as to how he is outstanding at every capacity. 1. Dedication through trials and tribulations. Out of everyone in this community, I have seen Pliers go through the worst of circumstances. However, he remains a strong shoulder to lean on for the rest of this community. He has been thrown under the bus, yelled at, kicked down. Yet his own problems are never an issue because his friends, the members of KSI, come first. Pliers has been a part of this community for over 3 and a half years and has not once stopped giving his all to this community, no matter how many times he seems to be kicked in the nads (virtually, of course). If ANYONE were to get this award, they should put the same amount of effort to KSI as Pliers does. 2. Motivation of members. Countless times, I have heard Pliers give a speech to one of our beloved members about why staying in KSI is good. He makes sure that his friendship to this community is known so that people will know where to turn to in a time of need. Not only does he take the time to convince people to stay in KSI, he explains why they are needed, looked up to, valued. He teaches people about what they have to gain for being in KSI - knowledge and insight. 3. Leader Training. Out of all of the senior leaders leading this community, Pliers has trained and worked with every one of them. Each Director and Senior Director has learned at least one thing from this amazing individual, causing Pliers to have an impact whether or not he is a part of the situation. He continues to train new-comers by giving them advice and pushing them in the right direction. He has recently taken over the teaching side of Human Resources, dedicated towards training and working with all co-founders, affecting the entire community. 4. Versatility. On top of clan-ops, Pliers is all over our departments. He is the Head of T&E, and an assistant to every other department by bringing in referrals, offering ideas, giving assistance. He assists Greg in running Education, ensures LEAD classes are being hosted, assists with any new information and re-creating of the 201 classes. He is also an admin on our forums, assigning groups to people in departments as well as KSI leaders. 5. Effort. I have never seen such amounts of effort for something in which we do not get paid to do. Pliers puts so much effort into this community, into the leaders and the members of this community. He is seen as a figurehead of our people because he is who people turn to, who people learn from, who people are motivated by. 6. Selflessness. More than once, I have seen him put his problems on the back burner to walk people through problems - whether divisional problems, squad problems, or personal problems. He has talked countless members into staying, into working, into remaining dedicated. He consistently motivates those around him to be better, to learn more, to motivate others. I can keep talking around in circles about how much of a great help Pliers is to this community, but no amount of typing can truly explain the full impact he has had on this community or the amount of leaders who look up to him. He is definitely outstanding, although that may be an understatement. Regardless of whether or not enough people comment in here to prove that, this community sees him as a symbol and as a friend. Here are some of the people that Pliers has personally affected: @KSI Greg 7 ™ @I am FuzzyMeep™ @KSI Bearded 7 @KSI Ashhh 7 @made you look @SaTiiReV @KSI x Karma 7 @KSI xKNKYx Mama @KSIDarkxAngel 7 @KSI BadKitty 7 @KSI TexAngel 7 @AYELOVES 7 @KSI GOT EM 7 @KSI Huntresz 7 @KSI x Angel 7 @I AM W1CKED @KSI ShadowFoxx @ASM Gary
  5. Hate to be that person, but... Could we please have divisional leadership witness for this feat for each person on this list? @Mr. Karaoke sorry for bothering you again, just want to make sure this list is accurate
  6. KSI Gizmo http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/39417-ksi-gizmo/ Gamerscore Master https://account.xbox.com/en-us/profile?gamerTag=ksi gizmo
  7. KSI Mars 7 http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/458-ksi-mars-7/ Gamerscore Hoarder https://account.xbox.com/en-us/profile?gamerTag=ksi mars 7 KSI Panda 7 http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/33485-ksi-panda-7/ Gamerscore Hoarder https://account.xbox.com/en-us/profile?gamerTag=ksi panda 7 KSI Booga 7 http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/35371-ksi-booga-7/ Gamescore Hoarder https://account.xbox.com/en-us/profile?gamerTag=ksi booga 7 KSI Breakfast 7 http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/28683-breakfast/ Gamerscore Hoarder https://account.xbox.com/en-us/profile?gamerTag=ksi breakfast 7 KSI SoloGenesys http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/39898-ksi-sologenesys/ Gamerscore Hoarder https://account.xbox.com/en-us/profile?gamerTag=ksi sologenesys
  8. KSI Pantsir 7 http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/16959-pantsir/ Committed, Dedicated Member has had a gold KSI tag since Aug. 2013
  9. KSI Greg 7 http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/109-ksi-greg-7-™/ Helping Hand When my controller broke and I was unable to replace it, Greg personally bought a new one for me.
  10. @KSI x Angel 7 Please be more specific with your witness statement. AAP is a stickler for protocol. Thank you ma'am
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