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Everything posted by Truecifer

  1. Please add more detail when witnessing for the mentor award. Thank you. Mentor: 0/5
  2. https://account.xbox.com/en-us/Profile?GamerTag=KSIMASTERCHIEF1 Verified. Yes to both
  3. Award: Good Karma Gamertag: KSI DarkAngel 7 Link to profile: www.ksiforums.org/profile/24315-ksi-darkangei-7/ Evidence: Has 100+ reputation
  4. Previous witness statement edited. Committed - Yes
  5. Previous witness statement edited. Committed - Yes
  6. In order to qualify was a witness to the mentor award, you must include the phrase "(S)He is my mentor." Will need 5 witnesses to testify to this.
  7. Award: Twitch Sub Link to profile: Click me / www.ksiforums.org/profile/21248-truecifer/ Evidence: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1pA2jWAfFNb1wbpddZOmBNrqWCrJOH6e1
  8. Need one witness who can attest to this please
  9. Write Right KSI Skychild @KSISkychild KSI Blood @KSI Bl00d KSI Berry @KSI Berry Proof for all:
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