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KSI Arc 7

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Everything posted by KSI Arc 7

  1. Me being His Co-Div. This General Has Even Brought KSI Knowlegde To Me But Not Only That Life Knowlegde. Mentors Many Hayed By Not one in my division. He is a very proud General Asists others And Makes His Squad Not just come together as a Family Bur a brotherhood as well I Vouch for. Mentor
  2. Name: KSI Arc 7,DH Co-Div Link to Forums Account:http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/21-ksi-arc/ Award-/-Achievement: Committed Reason-/-Evidence:Despite the fact of what my motto states I started KSI in Mid Feb. of 2011. Been in DH the entire time have never left always have had Gold. And Besides that I'm the last remaining original DH member when I started in KSI Also changed my name thd day I was recruited .

  4. So basicly those awards you have named off we have to earn back or is it forum awards such as most outstanding we have to earn back
  5. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I'm CoFo

  6. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I'm CoFo

  7. so wait you can apply to be in aap ? right
  8. Q:If your A General How Do you know All these Other Higher Ups. A: Lol I Put My Self Out There ;)

  9. Division Leader Of The Month- KSI IPhenix 7 Ive been In DH This Entire Year Basicly And Have never Left. Always Stayed with DH. When Freakinpope left and phenix came to Div leader; at the time there was barely hope for DH No Leaders No sorts of activity any where you went in DH. From what has happened from then to now a Huge difference. All generals active and Commited. Co founders know Exactly what tehre duties are as Well as Founders and Co Div. He didnt do it alone No But HE was One Of the Biggest Pieces That helped Rebuild The DH Puzzle
  10. Interesting i Have People From Other Divisions Trollling Me HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA This Psot goes to you

  11. Interesting i Have People From Other Divisions Trollling Me HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA This Psot goes to you

  12. awwwwe my recent vistors

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