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KSI Arc 7

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Everything posted by KSI Arc 7

  1. I dont know LS very well. But your co div leader and 2 generals have vouched for you. And like i said i dont know LS very well but maybe a founder or if there is a div leader. Or even your director
  2. Director Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad KSI Luci Lux 7 Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/22-luci/ Reasoning why the deserve this -Look At This Guy Weather hes behind the scences or right in your face hes working non stop 100% no matter the time day place area. All he does is help out my division. Hes never not doing somthing Division Leader N/A Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - Link to forums account - Reasoning why the deserve this - Co-Division Leader Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI EXODUS 7 Divign Reign Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/367-ksi-exodus-7/ Reasoning why the deserve this - High motor Never stops going. Works hard and plays hard. Head Security guy In DR. IF theres Somthing i need done hes there. Through out this month and past months as well Exodus will help and has help anybody and everybody in DR never a Bad and if you can find a more fair Co-DIv send me a link and Let Me See em. Founder Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) -KSI Christ 77 Divign Reign Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/61-ksi-christ-77/ Reasoning why the deserve this -This guy has proven Every single last person thats critized him wrong. And he continues to do more and more. and hasent ran out of gas he continues to prove people wrong and will keep going. Hes by far the Best Founder Ive Seen weather you like it or not. Co-Founder Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) -Not Voing To Many Co FOs Link to forums account - Reasoning why the deserve this -
  3. Yessss thats what were doing.... i fugre if theres a BOE BOD issues send christ a message
  4. Name: KSI EXODUS 7 DR CO-DIVISION LEADER Link to Forums Account:http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/367-ksi-exodus-7/ Award-/-Achievement: Oustanding Service lvl 1 Reason-/-Evidence: Alright Exodus Came with me from DH this guy has work His @$$ off to get wheere hes at. You see some co divs (not all) some co divs that you know get to the position with ease. Exodus, No. From day 1 he has helped and dedicated him self to each and every one of our members. Hes mentored more people then i have mentored he has Helped DR that was seen in peoples eyes a lost cause. To a family theres not person in DR that would have this Guys back he works with our generals our Captains. Exodus is also apart of the reason that our leader ship has security Awarness. But you know ill get them witness youll be asking for.
  5. Rememeber to get witness through out your division and through the outside as welll
  6. Name: KSI Arc 7 DR Div Leader Link to Forums Account:http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/21-ksi-arc-7/ Award-/-Achievement: Mad Max Reason-/-Evidence: Ohk From when i first Became General IS when i i started losing it, The first division i was in was Double Helix, But when i became General it was back when We HAd The Whole MEA Crysis Happen . You know Back In The Day when Luci Was in LS, royal Was Younger and Rags Was thinner back then, From day 1 of becoming a general I had Been Hit By MEA J2H DOD etc, Then after beign a general For At Least 4 times I MAde it To CO FOunder, By then Me being basiclly the oldst member in DH, we get hit at least 300 members.The Div eader drops the co div leader blacklisted and there wasnt a founder o becasue of seniority i was put in a ounder position Forcing my self to fight through the issues and conflict tat seemed to be never ending DH was done, And We Took our Leadership straight to DR. And this was when a sertain guy had got blacklisted in DR That had screwed with everybody and Knowledge Strength and Integrity Seemed to be very whiped away. and that was back in March. Now We Have LOve CRazyness Sgt's out The *** Andthe Spirit OF KSI Through the Entire Member Base OF DR. SO basically ive been here a year Been driven INSANE BUY EVERY SINGLE LAST MEMBER I ASSOCIATE WITH, My Examples and potential witnesses KSI Luci Lux 7 KSI Christ 77 KSI Exodus 7 KSI AIRBORNE 7 KSI ILL 7 KSI Exlied 7
  7. Hes my founder so i am taking my vote and sticking it in my back pocket for biased reasons. But i can say that ppl have criticism. Torwards christ and he has proven every accusation. Wrong that has been thrown at him.
  8. Nvm he has this award my apologizes
  9. No there were no laspes Through out this time. but alright gotcha
  10. Name: KSI Exodus 7 (Link to Forums Account):http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/367-ksi-exodus-7/ Award-/-Achievement: Commited Reason-/-Evidence: He Joined KSI in Apirl The Exact Date Is Lost becaus e Of The Fourm Switch. Unforunetly witch the same issue with me when i got my committed award DH No longer sits in This KSI anymore and there are Only about 2 people in KSI That can confirm that My Co-Div HAs Been In KSI A Year Witch is Of Course My Self And KSI Exiled 7 Witch is My Co-Founder
  11. How bout this an award for being a staff member. Example im a AAP staff member or yoh could be in IA, HR graphics team news team etc and they get an award for being in these
  12. With success comes opportunity, with opportunity comes Change

  13. Lol airborne. What hes saying. Is you have to go use your purchases for them to show up. And ill be awl witness for the trainer award seen this dude train some of the best leaders i have
  14. i understand you help people on a daily bases. And i like that. However "in my eyes' i feel like MA should be set for not just the in division but in all of KSI as well. correct me if im wrong Please.
  15. trainer yes MA -----its been said already
  16. This Fourm gives incorrect information there is no immortals DR
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