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Everything posted by Badger

  1. AAP staff. Look at AAP staff-room chat please.
  2. Lets have a co-founder or higher to witness this please
  3. Can we have movement for OS lvl 1-3. Please get another witness for this.
  4. As you are applying to get them this award you cannot witness. Hense why he was asking for general or above to witness this. More on this matter, PM. Please don't bring it here. Witnesses needed for this award please.
  5. Movement on this? Member Assistance: Yes Ice Breaker: Yes Headhunter: Yes I'd like another witness for OS lvl 2 please! KSI Mentor 1/5
  6. We have enough evidence. No more witnesses needed.
  7. Please post something valid. Otherwise considered spam
  8. OS lvl 1: Yes. Master Recruiter: Yes. HeadHunters: Yes.
  9. Frosty you are not an AAP staff member. Please don't post comments like this. This isn't your first time as well doing this, don't do it again. It's considered spam. Result could get you banned from the AAP section altogether.
  10. No problem matey. Anything else, don't hesitate to ask.
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DMQbzLrvwlE
  12. You don't need to let anyone know about purchasing a shop award. Buy the shop award you want aka Call Of Duty. It will then be in your shop items. You can keep it there if you want (it will show below your information on the left whenever you do a post). Or if you want to show it in your signature with other awards at the bottom, then you click on use item and confirm. Then hey-presto, its one of your awards.
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7U9f1Rrhz9w Amazing.
  14. That does not state you witnessed him with a KSI tag Committed: Having a KSI gamertag for over a year February 2013 has not yet come to be more than a year
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