Gamertag - ksi sweettea - paradox io
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Reason - well where to start? I am really suprised she hasnt won this already,
From the day i was recruited ive watched tea overperform in her rank as general. There is nobody she will not help, for example tea gets guys from other squads and divisions coming to her when they could just as easily go to there general, sweettea is like an encyclopedia full o ksi knowledge, i stuck by tea and without her lessons and wisdom i would not have managed to be an efficient captain. Everyone in paradox looks up to tea as a mother and she even has one adopted ksi child! :o anybody thats spent time with tea knows that she is the perfect example of leadership. The guys in paradox hold no secrets from tea as she sits and listens and understands. Nobodys problems are too hard for tea to resolve! I would not have had such a great ksi experience without tea, nor many other people too. Thank you tea.