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  • Birthday 03/15/1998

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KSI RUBBERDUCKY's Achievements


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  1. Name: KSI THOR 7 CO DIV LEADER/DR Link- http://www.ksiforums.org/user/2841-ksi-thor-7/ Award: Outstanding service lvl 2 Reasoning- Well to start, he simply gets the job done. but when hes not working hes playing with members and being a great friend. Examples of his work; he has been through many rough patches in DR but he has always brought it back to the top of its potential. Currently he is helping judgment rise back to its peak, also helping to other squads become great again. He has also helped me alot through my career, hes helped me reach my max potential and also at one point talked me out of leaving KSI. That why i believe he deserves this award.
  2. KSI PINKY 7 TW FOUNDER-http://www.ksiforums.org/user/16558-pinky-pie/ Silver outstanding service lvl 2 Reasoning- How to begin. She has helped me so much on forums its ridiculous. I know if i ever need anything she's there and always has time to help me or anyone else who needs it. She not only deserves this award but much more for her time and effort in KSI, she has not only became a good friend but my mentor, and i truly have respect for her and what she has done. #respect
  3. i thought so, hopefully it wont be alot of points lol
  4. i think it would be cool to have clash of clans awards for maybe lvls or something.
  5. why did the quack go duck

    1. KSI SykoKlown

      KSI SykoKlown

      The duck of a quack is but a quack. What should be asked, is why did the moo go cow? O.o

  6. Procrastination is like masturbation at first it feels good but in the end your only screwing yourself.

  7. Member Gamertag(Rank-Divsion/Squad) - KSI MsDestroyer - DR/JUDGEMENT Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/user/22664-ksi-msdestroyer/ Reasoning why they deserve this- ever since she has changed her name she has not stopped doing her job, and nearly instantly got a promotion. She defiantly deserves this award. She also is a great person to be around.
  8. Why did the quack go duck?

  9. Why did the moo go cow?

  10. Co founder Gamertag (Rank-Division/squad) KSIxBLKSHDW 7 link- http://www.ksiforums.org/user/15956-ksixblkshdw/ Reasoning- I believe he deserves this, because hes not only serious when he needs to be, but he gets what needs to be done, done. He encourages not only myself, but so many more to work hard and push on, to reach our full potential. He is truly dedicated to his family. #respect General Gamertag (rank-division/squad) KSI GreendayFox DR/Judgement link- http://www.ksiforums.org/user/16245-ksi-greendayfox/ Reasoning- With out her encouragement, and advise, i would be no where. Shes not only brought Judgement back, but brought that home like filling back to KSI. My words cant even begain to explain how much she has done for not only myself but the rest of our family. She truly gets the job done, and will advance far. #respect
  11. Rubber ducky your the one, you make bath time so much fun!

  12. DIV LEADER-KSI EXODUS DR LINK- Ksifourms.org/user/367-ksi-exodus-7 Reasoning- He has worked extremely hard in order to make DR the best division it could be. He also stepped up and helped with our officer core, he deserves this most certainly. GENERAL-KSI CHEVYDOG ELYSIUM DR LINK- Ksifourms.org/user/18164-ksi-chevydog Reasoning- Hes not only the most hard working person i know, but hes also just a cool guy to be around. Its amazing how much 1 person can do, thats why he deserves it.
  13. Welcome to the forums KSI RUBBERDUCKY :)

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