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KSI D3struction

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  • Gender
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    KSI D3StRuCtIoN
  • Squad
  • Rank/Title
    Third Captain

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  1. General/Mod:KSIxScotland Div/Squad: Echo LS Division/Squad Wish to challenge: Any Platform: Halo 4 Game type: Slayer 4v4
  2. Gamertag(Rank - Division/Squad) KSI Shivah Founder - ECHO LS The reason Shivah deserves this nomination is because she is always there to support the division and the individuals in the division and not only does she do things with the squad but she also does things to keep things in the squad running smoothly. Link to forums account: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/12974-trainer-shivah/ Gamertag(Rank - Division/Squad):KSIxScotland General - ECHO LS The reason he deserves this nomination is because he is always striving to make things work and always trying to make everyone feel welcomed from fresh recruits to the officer staff he makes everything work and keeps the squad running like a well oiled machine. If anyone asks a question he can answer he will and if he cant he will find the answer. Link to forums account: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/17241-shivahs-flareon/
  3. Welcome to the forums KSI D3struction :)

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