Gamertag - KSI Darth Vad3r (Overload TW)
Link to forums account -
Reasoning: Vader brought me into KSI with open arms and for the first time since I've been on Live made me feel like an equal instead of just some random chick who either gets cussed out or completely and totally degraded. He's an amazing Gen, helping me out with things even while he isn't in top condition and that means the world to me. He's a great guy, and I honestly believe that he deserves this.
Gamertag - KSI SwiftFox (Overload TW, 4CPT)
Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums...16751-swiftfox/
Reasoning: I'm broke, beyond broke about 80% of the time. When I came into KSI and started moving up the ranks Swift pulled me to the side and we chatted one day and he actually bought me my name change without a second thought. He's helped me figure out the things that usually one might have to figure out on their own; even if it's stupid little things like how to make my training more interesting or something like that.