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Sticky Pork Buns

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Sticky Pork Buns last won the day on May 2 2014

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About Sticky Pork Buns

  • Birthday 12/04/1993

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    New Brunswick, Canada
  • Interests
    I was obsessed with this band once, and this place in Nordic mythology. Also Halo 3 was a pretty good game.
    I like music, singing, Gaming.
    How I met your mother is a perfect show.
    I freaking love Martial Arts movies.

    I met chuck norris once.
  • Gamertag
    KSI Valhalla
  • Squad
  • Division
    Ground Zero
  • Rank/Title
    Staff Sargent, SSGT

Contact Methods

  • Kik
  • Skype

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About Me

Alright so, I'm 20, i read a lot, and play video games, im a metal head, i love classical music
I can play the piano, and Guitar
I'm training to be a Chef, and i'm good with a knife
I went to community college for Culinary Arts. 
I'm loyal as holy hell. 
When i try to grow a beard it's patchy
I use Tumblr, Facebook and Twitter. 
and I love Coca Cola
When I was 7 I lit my pants on fire. 
I was Recruited by KSI ZombyGal 7 on January 7th 2014
and I've risen through the ranks quite quickly because im a nice respecting young man. 

A little bit of my KSI History: Alright I joined KSI January 7th, 2014, Recruited by KSI ZombyGal 7 while playing Griffball. Since then I've been in the Hope squad for Ground Zero. I've been steadily moving up the ranks. I've been told I have great potential and such because I'm a social person. I've made friends with higher ranking people within KSI and Maybe one day I'll be a 7 who knows. 

If you need me or anything
My kik is: Azraelsbutt

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