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Everything posted by KSI ONSLAUGHT

  1. Good Things are In your Future. TY chinese cookie =)

  2. TiTenFall Is SWEEEET!!!!

  3. Muffasa is on my my mind

  4. GZ Spirit Week 2013 Winners keep the title =}

  5. Who Wants to Join KSI Global 2 on Clash of Clans??

  6. playing FF 13 with the misses

  7. St .Patricks Day here i come!

  8. i want a invite on Clash of clans Global GZ

  9. Finally my internet connection is working!

  10. lets keep the Activity up and keep TW at bay!

  11. I am so done with snow and winter....

  12. Shouout to my Feince Heidi Happy Vday! luv u! ; )

  13. Finaly updating forums...

  14. doing a ksi workshop tonight!

  15. foums workshop tonight!

  16. tater tot Caserole tonight was the bizomb! (very full)

  17. its offical im now a Leader

  18. As a valid member of the #9 roadshow SLIPKNOT Is my most influential Band. iv toured with them in country and have seen many things. Cory Taylor is my Hero. iv been in there music video in subliminal verses, RIP Paul D. Grey #3 you will forever be apart of the nine, no one will ever take your place, Drugs take all the good rock stars... Don't do drugs kids its not worth it. Pulse of the MAGGOTS! fear the Nine!
  19. i will always be the best of me not wht u want me to be

  20. negitive i am a meat popcicle

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