Member assistance "Aid KSI members with helping them find answers to general questions." If witnessing, please state how the member personally aided you with questions you had. Thanks
Member assistance "Aid KSI members with helping them find answers to general questions." If witnessing, please state how the member personally aided you with questions you had. Thanks
For Die Hard, we will need multiple witnesses with detailed statements as to what the nominated members have gone through that would've driven others to just give up. Thanks
For witnesses, please check the award description of what you are witnessing for. Member Assistance is "Aided KSI members with helping them find answers to general questions."
Is there anyone else that can witness, with specific details as to what hardships this member has been through? If not, this topic will be closed for deliberation in 48 hrs.
So, just recently found out that my baby due in June 2019 is going to be a GIRL! If you have any awesome girl names you think we should consider, feel free to post.