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KSI Airborne 7

Darth Borne
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Everything posted by KSI Airborne 7

  1. Thanks, awarding now to get the post moved since it was verified
  2. Awarded, @KSI xRogue 77 please check out the VIP section of the forums when your access is added, and please reach out to myself or Riiot on discord so that we can add you to the Donor chat. Thank you @KSI RiiOT 7 needs donor group.
  3. Reaching out to verify, will post when verified.
  4. Closing in 24 hours without changes made
  5. Award moved to archive, as we dont have a forum profile for the member
  6. @KSI Dr.Pepper For these, since both nominees will need 3 statements each, can you please make a separate topic for each member? Keep this one for one of them, and move the second to another, so that we can distinguish who witnesses are vouching for? Thank you
  7. Awarded, you should check out the VIP section when your access is added. There is also a Discord chat, please reach out to Riiot on discord. @KSI RiiOT 7 needs donor group
  8. The Twitter Blitz award is verified, Yes 2020 Donor is verified as well
  9. Keep the detailed statements coming about how this member goes above and beyond for this community.
  10. Go ahead and send the screenshot to myself or @KSI Starset 7 on discord
  11. @Chairman Impydenied, these are all falsified. I mean, come on. Yes to all
  12. Member is verified for First Step on the streak awards Also verified for Oof Donor, 2020 Donor and Charity Gifter.
  13. Name: KSI Airborne 7 Link to Forums Account: @Airborne Award-/-Achievement: FTW Reason-/-Evidence: I have participated in 4 straight Twitter Blitzes, the last 3 during the old Blitz program(there havent been any since), and then in the current one through the Productions Twitter @December
  14. @Kalakoi I'm going to shoot you a message on discord Member has a current streak of 10 months and has been verified for First Step, Rolling Streak and Preggo Streak: Yes
  15. @KSI Starset 7 please award this member, and notify when you are done
  16. @KSI Skychild Unfortunately, Decembers donation counts towards 2019 not 2020.
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