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KSI Airborne 7

Darth Borne
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Everything posted by KSI Airborne 7

  1. Dramaqueen: Yes Mentor: 3/5 Committed: I vouched, I would prefer another staff member handle this award.
  2. Mentor: Yes OS lvl 2: Close to a yes, is there not any other leaders, in TW or overall, that would vouch? I see co-founder, and founder, but another leader's opinion would probably sway my vote.
  3. Please continue witnessing for these awards please
  4. I say yes now, I said one or two more, and that has been met. Was seeing if any other staff members had opinions. Trainer: Yes OS Lvl 1: Yes
  5. It's not really a set number, it's based on relevant witnesses and details. We need thorough details or examples from witnesses. Dramaqueen: Witnesses Mentor: 3/5 Committed: I vouched
  6. Member assistance: Yes Headhunter: Yes Trainer: Yes
  7. Mentor: 2/5 Dramaqueen: More witnesses Committed: I vouched so not up to me to say yes
  8. I believe this is valid and detailed enough information for me so, OS lvl 2: Yes OS lvl 3: Yes
  9. Mentor: 0/5 Drama Queen: Witnesses Committed: I can vouch for his committed award
  10. Alright, its now open so bring forth the witnesses! OS lvl 1 OS lvl 2
  11. Member Assistance: 2/3 Trainer: Co-fo or higher witness Headhunter: Co-fo or higher witness
  12. Since you were the one who nominated him for the award, it requires a different leader to witness please
  13. Member assistance: 0/3 witnesses Headhunter: cofo or higher witness. Trainer: cofo or higher witness
  14. OK, but that's not how this system works, and you might want to check the rules section as to what awards you can self nominate for, and which ones you can not. Then, fill out an application in a proper format, and the witnesses come here and post to vouch for you. Then, it is our decision whether to award people with an award or not, based on witnesses and testimony. So please refer to the rules section, and resubmit an application. Self nomination the following Awards is no longer tolerated, Any and all self nomimations on these awards will be closed and denied everytime. - Of the Month awards (all) - Outstanding Service: http://www.ksiforums...w&do=spec&id=26 - Outstanding Service Silver: http://www.ksiforums...w&do=spec&id=27 - Outstanding Service Gold: http://www.ksiforums...w&do=spec&id=28 - Most Outstanding: http://www.ksiforums...w&do=spec&id=29 - Member Assistance: http://www.ksiforums...w&do=spec&id=31 - Trainer: http://www.ksiforums...w&do=spec&id=35 - KSI Mentor: http://www.ksiforums...w&do=spec&id=32 - Leadership Mentor: http://www.ksiforums...w&do=spec&id=36 - Education 101: http://www.ksiforums...w&do=spec&id=37 - Education 201: http://www.ksiforums...w&do=spec&id=38
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