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KSI Airborne 7

Darth Borne
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KSI Airborne 7 last won the day on January 29 2023

KSI Airborne 7 had the most liked content!

About KSI Airborne 7

  • Birthday 08/08/1993

Profile Information

  • Gender
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  • Interests
    Star Wars, Guns, Football, Motorcycles and Xbox
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  • Date Recruited
  • Squad
    All of KSI
  • Division
    All of KSI
  • Rank/Title
    Chief of Marketing/Partnership

Contact Methods

  • Discord
    Airborne 7 #8959
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Supreme Member

Supreme Member (4/4)



  1. It was a place especially early on where I could get away from the stresses of real life. Honestly having been here as long as I have, it's just great the amount of true friends I have made. People I still talk to that I started talking to over a decade ago. It's wild.
  2. In an attempt to start the year off strong, we are going to be updating our KSI merchandise and store! We are now partnered with Clan Threads. The link to our store is here: https://clanthreads.gg/collections/ksi-global-gaming We now have new types of items in the store including: Mouse Pads Phone Cases Bags Notebooks Blankets As well as still offering Jerseys, Shirts, Hats, etc. Go check it all out and if there are other things you would eventually like to see, reach out to me and we will see what we can do. Make sure to use the code "KSIGLOBAL" to save on your order. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me on discord. Airborne 7#8959
  3. Captain's GT: KSI Swag 77 Epic Display Name: Chief Enio Division (If applicable): BoD Teammate's GT: KSI Airborne 7 Epic Display Name: Airborne 7 Division (If applicable): BoD
  4. With Warzone 2 dropping soon, would love to either see a custom, or a speedrun for it. More MW2 in general now that it's out
  5. Name: KSI Airborne 7 Link to Forums Account: @KSI Airborne 7 Award-/-Achievement: its my birthday Reason-/-Evidence: images sent to AAP
  6. Happy 4th! I really think my favorite memory is just spending quality time with my family. Like this year, grilled out and played outside with my daughter most of the day
  7. Name: KSI Airborne 7 Link to Forums Account: @KSI Airborne 7 Award-/-Achievement: Fresh Meat, Rising Star, Getting Popular, Well Known, Here to Stay, Legacy and All Eyes on Me Reason-/-Evidence: forums profile is over 10 years old, and I have like 25k profile views
  8. Name: KSI Airborne 7 Link to Forums Account: @KSI Airborne 7 Award-/-Achievement: Skyrim(for Out for Summer I already have) Reason-/-Evidence: sent to AAP discord
  9. Hope everyone has a great Spirit Week!
  10. Name: KSI Airborne 7 Link to Forums Account: @KSI Airborne 7 Award-/-Achievement: Pickle King (in place of May twitch sub award I already have) Reason-/-Evidence: Sending evidence in the AAP chat
  11. Name: KSI Airborne 7 Link to Forums Account: @KSI Airborne 7 Award-/-Achievement: Texisms (for Spring Chicken) Reason-/-Evidence: evidence sent to aap chat
  12. Name: KSI Airborne 7 Link to Forums Account: @KSI Airborne 7 Award-/-Achievement: Series Regular Reason-/-Evidence: I have participated in 6 submissions since 2020 when the award started. Feb and June in 2020. Jan, Feb, Mar and April in 2021
  13. Name: KSI Airborne 7 Link to Forums Account: @KSI Airborne 7 Award-/-Achievement: With the Fur (I already have the Feb sub award) Reason-/-Evidence: Sent in AAP Chat
  14. Name: KSI Airborne 7 Link to Forums Account: @KSI Airborne 7 Award-/-Achievement: Lady Luck (in place of Jan. Donor award) Reason-/-Evidence: Screenshots to AAP
  15. Senior Leader: @KSI xKing 77 Senior Leader (Board Of Directors, Senior Directors): AHHHH My direct co-workers. Pretty hard to single anyone out considering the time and effort and money you all generally put into this community. Considering the whole year changes things too, as different things have been going on for different people throughout the year. I could write up a list for really any one of you, but would like to recognize King this year. We have been working together since we both made the BoD, in a very critical time of many changes within the community. This man has lead the way as CEO, while also stepping into other roles as necessary when the community has needed it. I know that he has divided attentions now, and currently he is figuring out another more crucial role (father) and that he will be great at that as well. He still deserves to be recognized for the year overall. And not that the AAP needs this, but @KSI DC 77 @Mr. DropShot@KSI Swag 77@Kakashii 77 @The ChadMin @KSI Ace 7 you all deserve mention too with what you all do to keep the gears grinding here. Forums Staff: @The ChadMin Forums Staff (Mods, Senior Mods, Admins): I think the most blatant example of the effort the this man has put in, was his recent promotion to the Board of Directors to represent Web Ops. I have been a Mod here, and know that the work can be tedious and repetitive, but the man kept on and has exemplified what a Web Ops member should be for the rest of his staff, even prior to promotion. When I think Web Ops, I think Venum. Or Chad. Whichever, that makes this nomination an easy one in my mind. Still ain't beat me at Madden though. Member: @Sleepy Member (Overall best member of the community for the year): With my move to CCR, I do not have a lot of members reach out to me except when they need something, or have issues with something. That's just the nature of the position. Sleepy on the other hand, always shoots me invites to parties and game nights. Anytime I have been around him, is an exemplary member. It really makes me feel great to see a younger generation of KSI members that still have the drive and make an effort to make a difference here like he does. I don't have a ton of Clan Ops interaction to speak about too many individual things he has achieved in his time here, but I still would like him to at least see this message, and know that he is appreciated.
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