Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad)
KSI Mpliers - [Founder - ES/All ES]
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Reasoning why they deserve this
Pliers deserves this award because he does an exceptional job making sure everything is taken care not only in his division but in KSI as a whole. He is a very knowledgeable member and one hell of a person to recruit. He puts so much dedication into KSI and the members. He is a very good friend and will be there and try to help you as best as he can.
General Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI VENUM 6 - [General - ES/Banshee] Link to forums account - Reasoning why they deserve this - Venum deserves this award because he goes above and beyond his duties as a general and even just as a friend. If you ever need someone to talk to, he is there to listen and help you in any way possible. Venum has a noggin full of knowledge, but won't back down to learn something new. He has high goals set for Banshee and without a doubt he will achieve them.
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad)
KSI xDothraki [sGT - ES/Banshee]
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Reasoning why they deserve this
Dothraki deserves this award because he is doing an outstanding job as a new SGT. He is dedicated to his squad and will become a great officer! I look forward to see what more he can do :D Very promising member!