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Everything posted by Fennyishere

  1. Legen (Verified) - yes Call of duty(Verified) - yes
  2. Host: KSIxGULL Award: Train The Trainer Attendance: KSI Gosuko @KSI Gosuko KSI Ma5taChf @KSI Ma5taChf Any evidence if required: KSI xGULL posted in activity log Profile Link if possible: https://www.ksiforums.org/profile/50951-ksi-gosuko/
  3. Name: KSI Fenny Link to Forums Account: @Fennyishere Award-/-Achievement: Forums Newb Reason-/-Evidence: Member has over 100 posts on forums
  4. Gamertag - KSI Fenny Game - Rocket League!!!!!!!
  5. Host: KSIxGULL Award: Basic Training Attendance: KSI Gosuko @KSI Gosuko KSI Ma5taChf @KSI Ma5taChf Any evidence if required: KSI xGULL posted in activity log Profile Link if possible: https://www.ksiforums.org/profile/50951-ksi-gosuko/
  6. Name: KSI Fenny Link to Forums Account: @Fennyishere Award-/-Achievement: On point Reason-/-Evidence: I have the required amount of awards on the Forums Staff/Meta award requested: Bacon
  7. Captain Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Yandare (CPT/Elysium SL) Link to forums account - @Ken Kaneki Reasoning why they deserve this - Ever since our gen stepped down, he has really stepped up as a leader and has really proved himself to lead a squad well. We stays on top of his officer meetings and cares about his other officers and tries to make connections with them. SSGT Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI UPNC Xx (SSGT/Eylsium SL) Link to forums account - @KSI UPNC Xx Reasoning why they deserve this - During his time in KSI so far he has shown more drive to help the squad then i've seen before. He is really stepping up as an officer and I can tell he wants to see the squad succeed. Not only is he focused on bring in new members but he seeks to get them more involved in the community which is awesome to see. SGT Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI GLiiTcH (SGT/ Elysium SL) Link to forums account - @KSI GLiiTcH Reasoning why they deserve this - Ever since he transferred to our squad GLiiTcH has not stopped playing with the squad. He has a great time with members and enjoys making friendships that will last. He is a great dude to be around and enjoys coming out the support people in game nights or tournys.
  8. Id like to shout out @KSI MRSBLITZ she works hard to do all she can for the squad even though she may not always have freetime to do so. She perseveres through tough times and will step up and take charge when needed. I can tell she cares about the squad a lot and wants to see it succeed and thrive like the rest of us. I hope she continues to not be afraid to ask her friends for help and overall stays motivated to help the squad out : 3
  9. Name: KSI Fenny Link to Forums Account: @Fennyishere Award-/-Achievement: Legen- Ripple Effect Reason-/-Evidence: I have 11 Awards on the Forums Staff Award Requested: Lady Luck Call of Duty
  10. Name: KSI Fenny Link to Forums Account: https://www.ksiforums.org/profile/20284-fennyishere/ Award-/-Achievement: Merica Reason-/-Evidence: let me know who i can send the screenshot to for proof of donation (won't let me post screenshots here) Meta Award Requested: Call of Duty Lady Luck
  11. How can I get Awards like Lady Luck and Call of Duty?
  12. Name: KSI Fenny Link to Forums Account: https://www.ksiforums.org/profile/20284-fennyishere/ Award-/-Achievement: Gamerscore Hoarder Reason-/-Evidence: Xbox Account: KSI Fenny 25,000+ Gamerscore
  13. The fact that i can't make a request to make a new signature has left me saddened :Cry:

  14. Co-Founder Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - SL COFO KSI DC 7 Link to forums account - @KSI DC 7 Reasoning why they deserve this - They are a genuinely a good person and have worked hard for his rank and where he is. He cares about his friends and is the type of person who will be there for someone if they need it.
  15. Gamertag/Forums name: @Fennyishere Award: New Member Certification  Evidence: None  Person(s) who ran the workshop: @KSI Artifice
  16. Yo my friends just making things a little foxy

  17. hey guys how you doing just would like to say hi im coming on xbox so if you would like to come on with me my gamer tag is KSI FoxyGamer thank

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