Senior leader of the year: KSI Chaos 7 meeting him was great because now I understand elite better is a laid back person and very sociable like me. Ha cracks me up everytime ha.
Director of the year: KSI Royal 7 hard decision lol jk. Royal is awesome always in n out of parties and just makes games funner always around for help and always trolling to find those in need.
Division leader of the year: KSI iphenix 7 he is an awesome person very persuasive mature and very capable of accomplishing great goals when set. A stand out guy fun and always correcting those little mistakes which is why DH is growing fairly smoothly with a saftyness swell.
CoDiv of the year: KSI Dusky to me he is a good hard working person that accepts peoples advice from his flaws asks around to improve himself and I respect someone who is a leader trying to become better by asking and interacting with whom he is leading.
Founder of the year: KSI ilegion 7 he is a type if person that will try to pick you up when you online or invite to party to always say to was up man. Ha that's awesome shows the love and respect he has to his fellow mates.
CoFo of the year: KSI Arc always trying to help making sure he is informed about his squads. Always getting involved and that's very important.
General of the year: KSI EXODUS XXVI he has been thru quite few rough times people getting tookin from his squad but he has still maintained a very positive attitude one if my best friends in KSI and it's great when there are people like him that can share a Coo friendship.
Captain of the year: n/a
Lieutenant of the year: n/a
Member of the year: KSI iJewbacca he is a great guy fun to get along with and a very competitive player one if DH's finest was in a car accident recently and came back trying to play just rest it up man keep showing your dedication to the brotherhood.
Recruiter if the year: n/a
Donor of the year: n/a