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KSI ODINN 7 last won the day on July 22 2024

KSI ODINN 7 had the most liked content!


  • Birthday 10/29/1986

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  • Interests
    HALO, Apex legends
  • Gamertag
    Vv FLAW vV
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    ODINN #1496

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  1. Merry Christmas everyone, I would have to say the best Christmas I've had lately had to be this Christmas only because my kids finally got into the Christmas spirit. Usually it's just about the presents for them, but this year they were into the music decorations and all around vibe.
  2. Gotta be turkey for sure, just gotta be cooked right.
  3. Can I send the other pic to you @Loyalty Paradox? It won't load on here for whatever reason.
  4. Name: KSI ODINN 7 Link to Forums Account: @KSI ODINN 7 Award-/-Achievement: weekend warfare champ and Spirit week participant Reason-/-Evidence: I won the most recent Apex duos event, a destiny 3v3 event, a halo 5 FFA Event and a Halo 5 duos event. I've competed in spirit week events in 4 different years
  5. @KSI ODINN 7Gamertag/Forums name: KSI ODINN 7 Award: New member Evidence: Attended workshop with KSI Wildmama 7 Person(s) who ran the workshop: @KSI WldMama7
  6. Name: KSI ODINN 7 Link to Forums Account: @KSI ODINN 7 Award-/-Achievement: It's my birthday Reason-/-Evidence: Birthdays on my forums account
  7. Monopoly plus would be fun to see , or maybe trivial pursuit
  8. Gamertag: KSI ODINN 7 Link to Forums Account: @KSI ODINN 7 Award: Spammer and Excelsior Reason/Evidence: I have 4000 posts and 120 awards
  9. Gotta give a shout-out to my boy @KSI Pastries 7. This man has been in KSI since prehistoric times and was part of the creation of my original division TW. During the time I've known him we've always had a great friendship. Even when we were in different divisions our halo teams would always have the most epic battles during tournaments but after the fight gamenights would be the same as usual. Drinking and just having a blast. He's consistently online and willing to play with whoever wants to play with him, he draws activity from members in whatever game he plays, just a all around solid guy and member in the community.
  10. So this thread is gonna be for all veterans and current members of the armed forces in KSI to chat. Branch: TS: MOS: Something exciting u want us to know about your time in: Branch: USMC TS: 05-09 MOS: 0331/ Machinegunner Something exciting: 2 tours in Iraq, both times Habbaniyah/Fallujah border. A place called ECP 5.
  11. Name: KSI ODINN 7 Link to Forums Account: @KSI ODINN 7 Award-/-Achievement: Fresh meat, Rising star, Getting popular, Well known and here to stay. Reason-/-Evidence: I have over 11,000 profile views and almost 9 years on the forums
  12. Name: KSI ODINN 7 Link to Forums Account: @KSI ODINN 7 Award-/-Achievement: Gamerscore rookie and Obsessed Reason-/-Evidence: I have over 10,000 Gamerscore and I have over 3000 posts
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