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KSI Majestic 7

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About KSI Majestic 7

  • Birthday 12/28/1992

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    Ft Stewart, GA
  • Interests
    Soccer, Graphic Design, anything Technical
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    KSI Majestic 7
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  1. Yea im more or less just speaking of the amount of awards you can buy versus the amount you earn. However, i could easily show my ERB (with important info blurred out) to prove my enlistment, idk about the other branches or law enforcment though
  2. Yea I get the concept, but showing support does not equal an award in my mind. My support of Bacon does not equal the Division I created,, like i said im just voicing my opinion Especially whenever at this point there seems to be more awards you can buy to support something than awards you can earn from achievements you have made in the community
  3. Name: (Member-/-Squad-/-Division of the person you are nominating) KSI Cruser 7, Fear DM Link to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/850-cruser/ Award-/-Achievement: (The award you are nominating this person for) Gamerscore Hoarder, Gamerscore Master Reason-/-Evidence: (Please give reasons to why this person is deserving of the award you are nominating them for) https://account.xbox.com/en-US/Profile?Gamertag=KSI%20Cruser%207
  4. I simply dont like the idea of awards i can buy... if its an award then whatever it is you should earn it, not just buy it. I look at someones awards and try to see what all they have done and its just cluttered with shop awards so i give up and move on
  5. yea but buying them doesnt actually seem like an award. Im sure ill come around to it though, just not use to awards you can buy
  6. please no more shop awards! lol jmo. Instead give them to those who work in those fields
  7. Thanks big dawg, much appreciated
  8. It's awards from oldschool ksI
  9. well I earned the awards before the split so I feel like it should still be valid in the real global since at the time they were earned in the real global. In other words, the awards were earned in this community because this is still and always has been KSI. Fuzzy should be able to vouch for me seeing as we worked together alot before the board vote
  10. Will my awards which I received on ksiglobal.com be transferred and applied over here? It is my understanding that after the board voted Darth Sidious out, this became the legitimate KSI. I stayed at the time with the other KSI but have hopes on transferring into the legitimate one
  11. Welcome to the forums KSI Majestic :)

  12. Welcome to the forums Majestic :)

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