Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI HEFNER (CPT/samurai)
Link to forums account - @KSI HEFNER
reasoning why he deserves this :- throughout my time in KSI this man has always made himself available to help me with even the most trivial of problems, he’s always made me strive to be better and always coached me to be the best I could be all while being overwhelmed with his own captains duties and always kept a bright outlook whenever faced with problems.
gamertag (rank - devision/squad) :- KSI JaxyBoi (LT/ vanquish)
Link to forums account :- @KSI JaxyBoi
reason why he deserves this:- this guy is always a blast to be around, whenever I’m in a foul mood he never fails to get me out of it and smiling again, throughout my episodes I’ve always been able to go to jaxy either in a party or as a 1 on 1 to either vent or just relax until I feel better and I’m eternally grateful for his goofy and hyperactive nature that never ceases to make me smile.