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Everything posted by KSI WAYNE

  1. 4CPT KSI FenrirsFury (4CPT - MEMORIES/LS) - http://www.ksiforums...si-fenrirsfury/ I think that fury should get this because he shows so much potential to be a fantastic leader, and sets an absolute great example to his Squad mates. He is someone you can put great faith into and he will be there, not only that but he will always let you know when he will be late and when he will arrive. He is a great officer and helps any that need it.
  2. General KSI JBOMBshell (GENERAL -MEMORIES /LS) http://www.ksiforums.org/user/16113-ksi-jbombshell/ Since I have joined this lovely community, she has done the absolute amazing job in her squad and leading them to great places. I am most joyed to be in her squad she has taught me so much and I hope she continues to do so. I am choosing her because I for see a greatness within her that can lead KSI, and her squad into a brighter tomorrow.
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