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KSI GameCrazy 7

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KSI GameCrazy 7 last won the day on June 14 2014

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About KSI GameCrazy 7

  • Birthday 08/29/1991

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    movie lol basketball music
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    KSI GameCrazy 7
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    KSIGameCrazy Mincolla

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  1. Division: DR Gamertag: KSI GameCrazy 7
  2. KSI GameCrazy 7 DR
  3. Division: DR Gamertag KSI GameCrazy 7
  4. Black ops 3 gun game Xbox 1 KSI GameCrazy 7 Divine Reign
  5. I can witness this for KSI Pinky 7, I have watched pink run this div, for awhile now she taken on a lot at same time she was acting div leader and co div and acting founder and co founder over the call of duty squads. for most people they can hardly handle one rack not to mention all the work that come with it. pink as yet to give up she dose everything in her power to make tw better place once again. along the way she had help form KSI Maddball they work togather on helping the gen outon training or issue in the squad. I also watch pink take her own time out of her real life to re train the officer staff making new workshops for use to use. she still offer use to go out rcting with use and she still come to our game night now host her own again she helps bring a lot of the activity back up. she also have talk to a few members and kept them form leveing KSI,
  6. so I ment madball when I was a CPT in recoil and he was a gen of trocity.maddball had ne had him so we could go host game night with both squads. well maddball would hit me up in a party chat to talk about ideal for games or he just wanted to hang, i saw this man bring a squad to almost a squad split and keep is member trained and active, he would go out rcting with the officer or even a SGT to help them learn more about it. he would hold multiple work shops and any squad to come to it. he would it up is squad tag and talk and game with his members. but his member also knew him on a personal note they new him as chad bc he would talk to u if u had problem that did not have to do with ksi. Now maddball is a cofo of the halo squad and he a acting gen over killjoy. he helping killjoy getting the squad up and running again. and it still dosent mater what squad u are he still helps. i can say as a gen i have seen this man bring squad back keep people form leving ksi and keeping use have fun and motivated.
  7. member assistance I can witness this for KSI flaw. he Is all ways helping member weather its his own or other squads members, I have been in many parties chat with him and somebody joins it or messages him asking him question and he answer them helping them with anything the need. if people have a personal problem or just need some to talk to he is there listen, OS Lev 1 Flaw is doing awesome as gen. he picked it up really quick on being a gen. he is on top of sending message out on the tag or is own tag all ways telling people about game night or workshops or just a piece of advice to people. he shows up to every game night in his squad always on time to hit and making sure other people from other squads are there having fun to.
  8. i can say stinker is one of my mentors when i first got gen spot he help me with it. If i had any question on what to do in a situation or get more activity or even just sticking around he would just talk to me in a chat
  9. Founder Gamer tag { rank -Division- Squad} KSI Pinky 7 TW www.ksiforums.org/user/16558-pinky-pie Reason pinky dose so much work for being a founder, her higher ups ask her to do something and she go's and do it and she just go's up and beyond what was even ask. she holds multiple game nights on 3 different games for many hours long. she also is a acting gen of multiple squads and a acting cofo in TW over call of duty squads. anytime u need help and u ask her she there doing it and if she cant help u she will gets the answer for u.
  10. I can witness this for KSI Sworn 7 Die hard lol I been here for acouple months now and now I gen and I see all the drama that happen in ksi and out side ksi with people poching use and everything else. and sworn just stay calm and sticks through it all. and if it dose get to him he dosent show it. y silver outstanding lv2 I can also witness this for sworn. he make sure tw is running smoothly and he take the time to go above whats asked of him to make sure everyone on the same page. show up to all kinds of game nights and he dose 1v1 a lot of people I was one of them and I lost lol. if I need sworn for anything wether he on or offline hes there helping me out or any member. he wil even sitt in a chat with people and just talk about anything with all the stuff sworn dose I am surprise he every free to make it to game with use but when he dose its a blast people loved killing him bc he a higher up lol. he also doing welcome committee and app awards. I believe sworn deserve both of these awards
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