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KSI Atom 7

Monkey Twerker
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Everything posted by KSI Atom 7

  1. GTAV Xbox One (8/28/22) This event is a part of KSI's Donor’s Event 2022! The event will begin promptly at 6:00 PM EST, with signups being closed 2 hours before the event. Late arrivals will not be permitted entry into the tournament. Signups posted on another player’s behalf will not be accepted. IMPORTANT: To signup for this event, you must have the 2022 Donor Award on the forums by the time the weekend kicks off, NO EXCEPTIONS. Please use the following format: Division: Gamertag: KSI cannot control game lag, or any teams connection status. If at anytime you are having issues with substantial lag, or you witnessed any rule violations, please contact your Judge AFTER completing your game with VIDEO EVIDENCE. Teams who quit a match will be disqualified.
  2. Gang Beasts (8/27/22) This event is a part of KSI's Donor’s Event 2022! The event will begin promptly at 8:00 PM EST, with signups being closed 2 hours before the event. Late arrivals will not be permitted entry into the tournament. Signups posted on another player’s behalf will not be accepted. IMPORTANT: To signup for this event, you must have the 2022 Donor Award on the forums by the time the weekend kicks off, NO EXCEPTIONS. Please use the following format: Division: Gamertag: KSI cannot control game lag, or any teams connection status. If at anytime you are having issues with substantial lag, or you witnessed any rule violations, please contact your Judge AFTER completing your game with VIDEO EVIDENCE. Teams who quit a match will be disqualified.
  3. Brawlhalla (8/27/22) This event is a part of KSI's Donor’s Event 2022! The event will begin promptly at 6:00 PM EST, with signups being closed 2 hours before the event. Late arrivals will not be permitted entry into the tournament. Signups posted on another player’s behalf will not be accepted. IMPORTANT: To signup for this event, you must have the 2022 Donor Award on the forums by the time the weekend kicks off, NO EXCEPTIONS. Please use the following format: Division: Gamertag: KSI cannot control game lag, or any teams connection status. If at anytime you are having issues with substantial lag, or you witnessed any rule violations, please contact your Judge AFTER completing your game with VIDEO EVIDENCE. Teams who quit a match will be disqualified.
  4. Fall Guys (8/26/22) This event is a part of KSI's Donor’s Event 2022! The event will begin promptly at 8:00 PM EST, with signups being closed 2 hours before the event. Late arrivals will not be permitted entry into the tournament. Signups posted on another player’s behalf will not be accepted. IMPORTANT: To signup for this event, you must have the 2022 Donor Award on the forums by the time the weekend kicks off, NO EXCEPTIONS. Please use the following format: Division: Gamertag: KSI cannot control game lag, or any teams connection status. If at anytime you are having issues with substantial lag, or you witnessed any rule violations, please contact your Judge AFTER completing your game with VIDEO EVIDENCE. Teams who quit a match will be disqualified.
  5. Knockout City (8/26/22) This event is a part of KSI's Donor’s Event 2022! The event will begin promptly at 6:00 PM EST, with signups being closed 2 hours before the event. Late arrivals will not be permitted entry into the tournament. Signups posted on another player’s behalf will not be accepted. IMPORTANT: To signup for this event, you must have the 2022 Donor Award on the forums by the time the weekend kicks off, NO EXCEPTIONS. Please use the following format: Division: Gamertag: KSI cannot control game lag, or any teams connection status. If at anytime you are having issues with substantial lag, or you witnessed any rule violations, please contact your Judge AFTER completing your game with VIDEO EVIDENCE. Teams who quit a match will be disqualified.
  6. Announcing: KSI Donor’s Event 2022! We are extremely excited to announce our fourth KSI Donor’s Event! We recognize the importance of our donors, and have decided to give back in a BIG way! This will be a weekend of fun times, competitive spirits, and huge prizes. This event will take place Friday through Sunday, August 26th, 27th and 28th. IMPORTANT: To signup for these events, participants must have the 2022 Donor Award on the forums by the time the weekend kicks off. This award can be applied for in the AAP section, and to be eligible, you must have donated in one of the following ways: Donate $10 to KSI's PayPal Donate at least 1000 bits to KSILive Sub to KSI for at least 2 months --- ***Schedule*** Donor’s Event Schedule 2022 (8/5/22) Day 1: Knockout City/Fall Guys (8/26/22) *Knockout City - 6:00 PM EST *Fall Guys - 8:00 PM EST Day 2: Brawlhalla/Gang Beasts (8/27/22) *Brawlhalla - 6:00 PM EST *Gang Beasts - 8:00 PM EST Day 3: GTAV Last Gen & Current Gen/Call of Duty: Cold War Gun Game (8/28/22) *GTAV Xbox One - 6:00 PM EST *GTAV Xbox One Series X & S - 6:00PM EST *Call of Duty: Cold War Gun Game - 8:00 PM EST **Event Sign Ups** All signups will be posted in the Donor’s Event section on the forums. Anyone can sign themselves up as long as they have the 2022 Donor Award. Signups posted on behalf of someone else will not be accepted. **Prizes** Individual prizes must be redeemed by contacting KSI's Chairman, KSI Ace 7. **Divisional Cup** Donor’s event will be included in each division’s total points for 2022 Divisional Cup. The more people you get to signup, the more points you can earn for your division!
  7. On Saturday August 6th, Tournaments & Events will be hosting a 2v2 Fight Club tournament on Modern Warfare (2019). The tournament will begin promptly at 8pm EST, with sign-ups closing 2 hours prior to the event. (6:00pm EST) General Rules and Regs: All weekend warfares are open to everyone regardless of whether they are in the community or not. Late sign-ups will not be admitted. Proxy posts must be approved before hand by department heads/Senior Staff. (KSI Akame 77, KSI Atom 7 / KSI SubZero, KSI LeviMOFB) Tardiness will be grounds for disqualification. Any individual disqualification will automatically result in the entire team disqualification for any specific event.. Team Captains will be responsible for any and all communication with T&E staff (Staff member through Department Head) during and following matches and events. T&E rulings are final unless the Co-Head, Head or CDM feel a ruling should be changed or new information/evidence is presented to rightfully alter the ruling. An event bracket may be adjusted up to 15 minutes prior to the match/event start time at the discretion of the Head or Co-Head. All KSI Events must be played with a controller and not keyboard and mouse. The event will have a meeting 30 minutes prior to the event, all members who sign up must be available for the meeting to go over the event rules. Tournament Rules and Regs: TBA PLEASE USE THE FOLLOWING FORMAT WHEN SIGNING UP: Team Captain's GT: Activision ID: Division: Teammate: Division:
  8. [Fall Guys Final Results - First to 2 Wins] 1st place: KSI Yødaa 2nd place: KSI RAGE 3rd place: KSI Dropshot 7 2nd & 3rd are based off average placement Attendance KSI DropShot 7 - BOD/ES iMeShell - N/A KSI W1ldcat 7 - ES KSI Nugget65 - WD KSI Uppish 7 - Dir KSI Swag 77 - BOD KSI Yødaa - WD KSI Kat 7 - CS KSI Pastries 7 - CS KSI RAGE - ES
  9. On Saturday July 30th, Tournaments & Events will be hosting a tournament on Fall Guys. The tournament will begin promptly at 8pm EST, with sign-ups closing 2 hours prior to the event. (6:00pm EST) General Rules and Regs: All weekend warfares are open to everyone regardless of whether they are in the community or not. Late sign-ups will not be admitted. Proxy posts must be approved before hand by department heads/Senior Staff. (KSI Akame 77, KSI Atom 7 / KSI SubZero) Tardiness will be grounds for disqualification. T&E rulings are final unless the Co-Head, Head or CDM feel a ruling should be changed or new information/evidence is presented to rightfully alter the ruling. The event will have a meeting 30 minutes prior to the event, all members who sign up must be available for the meeting to go over the event rules. Fall Guys Rules and Regs: This tournament will be Solos (Teaming will not be tolerated) When we distribute the lobby code, please do not share them to non-participants. PLEASE USE THE FOLLOWING FORMAT WHEN SIGNING UP: Gamertag: Division:
  10. Happy Birthday Uppish
  11. Award: Spirit Week Participant KSI Atom 7 @KSI Atom 7 KSI Shootah @KSI Shootah KSI NoBe @KSI NoBe KSI Star5528 @KSI Stella KSI Soap 7 @KSI Soap 7 KSI Uppish 7 @KSI Uppish 7 KSI Nyquil 7 @Nyquil KSI Pastries 7 @KSI Pastries 7 KSI MtnDewCR @KSI MtnDewCR KSI Big Mack 92 @KSI Big Mack 92 KSI SubZero @SubZero KSI Tiberius @KSI Tiberius 194 KSI D TuRtL3 @KSI D TuRtL3 KSI Hatter 77 @Hatter 77 KSI W1ldcat7 @KSI W1ldCat KSI Jewels @KSI Jewels KSI WinterMoth @KSI WinterMoth KSI Walrus @KSI_Walrus KSI OddBa11 @KSI OddBa11 KSI MsLibra2 @KSI MsLibra2 KSIxSnoopxDOGG @KSIXSnoopXDOGG KSI Yødaa @Yodaa KSI Hex 77 @KSI Hex 77 KSI Torch096 @KSI Torch096 KSI Celebi @KSI Celebi KSI Koda @KSI Koda KSI x Scorpio @KSI x Scorpio maternal6 @Maternal6 KSI Blkjesus @Black Jesus KSIJESTER @darkjester2118 KSI Courage @KSI Courage KSIharlequin @KSIharlequin Dabbasaur @Towely gamer17 KSI Nezuko @KSI Nezuko KSI Dakeech @KSI DaKeech KSI Kaneki#9761 @Kaneki KSI T StackG @KSI T StackG KSI Paradox7 @Loyalty Paradox KSI Demoted @KSI DEMOTED HELLFIRE919 @HELLFIRE919 KSI Infid3l @KSI Infid3l TooDrunk2Come @TooDrunk2Come KSI Blast @KSI Blast KSI Cozy @KSI cozy OTG Bubbles2 @KSI Bubbles2 TEXASxTACO @TEXASxTACO KSI MtnDewBB @KSI MtnDewCR Frikchin @Frikchin OLMP KIWI @OLMP KIWI KSI Twinkie @Twinkie2938 KSI Mayor 7 @KSI Mayor 7 KSI Holy @KSI Holy KSI Clapz @TTVKingclapz795 KSI CanMan @KSI CanMan sliqest @sliqest KSI Pathfindr @KSI Pathfinder KSIMustang44 @KSIHorseride TTVUmbraRaid @TTVUmbraRaid LTLLLucifer @KSIDarkWolf WatsnOnliFns @WatsnOnliFns KSI xKing 77 @KSI xKing 77 KSI BlurryTV @KSI BlurryTV KSIxNave @KSIxNave KSIakamadman @KSIakamadman KSI StarFire @KSI StarFire KSI NightDaff @KSI Daffy Boi KSI Potato @KSI KING POTATO KSI Haterade @KSI Haterade KSI Tubular @KSI Tubular KSI xKurama @KSI xKurama KSI Redmyst @KSI DrDank KSI Vokun @KSI Vokun KSI Mrpyscho @Mr psycho7642V Arc Bladed @Arc KSI Shway @KSI Shway KSI xSWAG 7 @KSI xSWAG 7 Officer God @Watermelongod8 KSI Prizm91 @KSI Prizm91 KSI ATH3NA 7 @KSI ATH3NA 7 KSI Kan @KSI KAN Daddy Rage @KSIRage KSIREDDRAGON#898 @KSI DEKU91 KSI CyborgNInja @KSICyborgNinja DEVILSSHADOW73 @DEVILSSHADOW73 Alphatron 7 @Alphatron KSI DarkWolf#281 @KSI DarkWolf281 KSI Dropp100 @DROPP100 KSI HEFNER @KSI HEFNER KSI iSplashzZ @iSplashzZ KSI Bby Toxin @BBY TOXIN KSI Twizzy @KSI Twizzy KSI Dropshot 7 @Mr. DropShot KSI Harley 7 @KSI HARLEY 7 KSIxGrizzly23 @KSIxGrizzly23 KSI Gorum @KSI Gorum KSI Syn @Synckedrin TribalBloodWing @TribalBloodWing KSI Oni @KSI Oni MaxKilledU1 @Maxkilledu1 TenShark5656744 @TenShark5656744 KSI Efne13 @Efne13 Reasoning: All members listed above had participated in at least 1 event during Spirit Week 2022.
  12. Brawlhalla 2v2 Results: 1st: KSI Nezuko (CS) & KSI Sarcasm (CS) 2nd: KSI ColdVybe (ES) & KSIDeathWish (ES) 3rd: TEXASxTACO (WD) & KSI Mayor 7 (ES)
  13. Gang Beasts FFA Results 1st Place: KSI Nyquil 7 (6 Wins) 2nd Place: KSI T StackG (5 Wins) 3rd Place: Don Greed VI (1 Win) Participation KSI Nyquil 7 KSI T StackG Don Greed VI KSI Walrus
  14. Award: Annual Event Participant 2022 KSI Paradox7 @Loyalty Paradox KSI Demoted @KSI DEMOTED HELLFIRE919 @HELLFIRE919 KSI Infid3l @KSI Infid3l TooDrunk2Come @TooDrunk2Come KSI Blast @KSI Blast KSI Cozy @KSI cozy OTG Bubbles2 @KSI Bubbles2 TEXASxTACO @TEXASxTACO KSI MtnDewBB @KSI MtnDewCR Frikchin @Frikchin OLMP KIWI @OLMP KIWI KSI Twinkie @Twinkie2938 KSI Mayor 7 @KSI Mayor 7 KSI Holy @KSI Holy KSI Clapz @TTVKingclapz795 KSI CanMan @KSI CanMan sliqest @sliqest KSI Pathfindr @KSI Pathfinder KSIMustang44 @KSIHorseride TTVUmbraRaid @TTVUmbraRaid LTLLLucifer @KSIDarkWolf WatsnOnliFns @WatsnOnliFns KSI xKing 77 @KSI xKing 77 KSI BlurryTV @KSI BlurryTV KSIxNave @KSIxNave KSIakamadman @KSIakamadman KSI StarFire @KSI StarFire KSI NightDaff @KSI Daffy Boi KSI Yødaa @Yødaa KSI Potato @KSI KING POTATO KSI Haterade @KSI Haterade KSI Tubular @KSI Tubular KSI xKurama @KSI xKurama KSI Redmyst @KSI DrDank KSI Vokun @KSI Vokun KSI Mrpyscho @Mr psycho7642V Arc Bladed @Arc KSI Shway @KSI Shway KSI xSWAG 7 @KSI xSWAG 7 Officer God @Watermelongod8 KSI Prizm91 @KSI Prizm91 KSI ATH3NA 7 @KSI ATH3NA 7 KSI Kan @KSI KAN Daddy Rage @KSIRage KSIREDDRAGON#898 @KSIREDDRAGON KSI CyborgNInja @KSICyborgNinja DEVILSSHADOW73 @DEVILSSHADOW73 Alphatron 7 @Alphatron KSI DarkWolf#281 @KSI DarkWolf281 KSI Dropp100 @DROPP100 KSI HEFNER @KSI HEFNER KSI iSplashzZ @iSplashzZ KSI Bby Toxin @BBY TOXIN KSI Twizzy @KSI Twizzy KSI Dropshot 7 @Mr. DropShot KSI Harley 7 @KSI HARLEY 7 KSIxGrizzly23 @KSIxGrizzly23 KSI Gorum @KSI Gorum KSI Syn @Synckedrin TribalBloodWing @TribalBloodWing KSI Oni @KSI Oni MaxKilledU1 @Maxkilledu1 TenShark5656744 @TenShark5656744 KSI Efne13 @Efne13 Reasoning: All members listed above had participated in events during Spirit Week 2022. Award: Annual Event Winner 2022 KSI Nezuko @KSI Nezuko KSI CanMan @KSI CanMan sliqest @sliqest KSI NightDaff @KSI Daffy Boi KSI Yødaa @Yødaa Arc Bladed @Arc KSI Courage @KSI Courage KSI Kan @KSI KAN Daddy Rage @KSIRage OTG Bubbles2 @KSI Bubbles2 KSIREDDRAGON#898 @KSIREDDRAGON KSI Big Mack 92 @KSI Big Mack 92 KSI Tiberius 194 @KSI Tiberius 194 KSI iSplashzZ @iSplashzZ KSI ATH3NA 7 @KSI ATH3NA 7 KSI Dropshot 7 @Mr. DropShot KSI Pathfindr @KSI Pathfinder TenShark5656744 @TenShark5656744 KSI Efne13 @Efne13 Reasoning: All members listed above won events during Spirit Week 2022.
  15. On Saturday July 16th, Tournaments & Events will be hosting a 2v2 tournament on Brawlhalla. The tournament will begin promptly at 8pm EST, with sign-ups closing 2 hours prior to the event. (6:00pm EST) General Rules and Regs: All weekend warfares are open to everyone regardless of whether they are in the community or not. Late sign-ups will not be admitted. Proxy posts must be approved before hand by department heads/Senior Staff. (KSI Akame 77, KSI Atom 7 / KSI SubZero) Tardiness will be grounds for disqualification. T&E rulings are final unless the Co-Head, Head or CDM feel a ruling should be changed or new information/evidence is presented to rightfully alter the ruling. All KSI Events must be played with a controller and not a keyboard & mouse. The event will have a meeting 30 minutes prior to the event, all members who sign up must be available for the meeting to go over the event rules. PLEASE USE THE FOLLOWING FORMAT WHEN SIGNING UP: Captain's GT: Division: Teammate's GT: Division:
  16. On Saturday July 9th, Tournaments & Events will be hosting a Free For All tournament on Gang Beasts. The tournament will begin promptly at 8pm EST, with sign-ups closing 2 hours prior to the event. (6:00pm EST) General Rules and Regs: All weekend warfares are open to everyone regardless of whether they are in the community or not. Late sign-ups will not be admitted. Proxy posts must be approved before hand by department heads/Senior Staff. (KSI Akame 77, KSI Atom 7 / KSI SubZero) Tardiness will be grounds for disqualification. T&E rulings are final unless the Co-Head, Head or CDM feel a ruling should be changed or new information/evidence is presented to rightfully alter the ruling. The event will have a meeting 30 minutes prior to the event, all members who sign up must be available for the meeting to go over the event rules. PLEASE USE THE FOLLOWING FORMAT WHEN SIGNING UP: Gamertag: Division:
  17. Head of T&E: KSI Akame 77 Co-Head of T&E: KSI Atom 7 - WD Senior Staff: KSI SubZero - CS KSI LeviMOFB - CS T&E Staff: KSI Infid3l - CS KSI CR4ZYWNJ - ES KSI N8iV 406 - WD KSI Nugget65 - WD KSIJester#3812 - WD Updated as of 10/7/22
  18. This event is a part of KSI's Spirit Week 2022! The event will begin at 8:00 PM EST on the dot. Late arrivals will not be permitted entry into the tournament. Please be certain that all participants have read and understood the rules and regulations listed below! Tournament Rules & Regulations: Each series will be played as a “Best of 3”. This tournament will also be double elimination, meaning that teams have to lose twice to be eliminated. Do not abuse or use the in game chat in a disrespectful way towards your opponents. Be respectful. This includes but is not limited to: Talking back to event hosts, having an attitude after winning or losing, being rude to your opponents and taking friendly banter too far. Failure to comply with any of these rules may result in disqualification from the event. Only Division Leaders (or highest rank available) should post up the team roster below. Please use the following format: Team 1: 1. Team Captain: 2. Gamertag of Rep: 3. Gamertag of Rep: 4. Gamertag of Rep: Team Captain's Discord: Team 2: 1. Team Captain: 2. Gamertag of Rep: 3. Gamertag of Rep: 4. Gamertag of Rep: Team Captain's Discord: Team 3: 1. Team Captain: 2. Gamertag of Rep: 3. Gamertag of Rep: 4. Gamertag of Rep: Team Captain's Discord: Alternates (Up to 6): KSI cannot control game lag, or any teams connection status. If at any time you are having issues with substantial lag, or you witnessed any rule violations, please contact your Judge AFTER completing your game with VIDEO EVIDENCE. Teams who simply quit a match will with no evidence will be disqualified. ALL T&E events must be played on Controller even if you are playing on PC.
  19. This event is a part of KSI's Spirit Week 2022! The event will begin at 6:00 PM EST on the dot. Late arrivals will not be permitted entry into the tournament. Please be certain that all participants have read and understood the rules and regulations listed below! Tournament Rules & Regulations: This event will be one of KSI's 2022 Spirit week events. Late sign-ups will not be admitted. Tardiness will be grounds for disqualification. T&E rulings are final unless the Co-Head, Head or CDM feel a ruling should be changed or new information/evidence is presented to rightfully alter the ruling. All KSI Events must be played with a controller and not keyboard and mouse. The event will have a meeting 30 minutes prior to the event, all members who sign up must be available for the meeting to go over the event rules. Only Division Leaders (or highest rank available) should post up the team roster below. Please use the following format: Division: 1. Gamertag of Rep: Rep Discord: 2. Gamertag of Rep: Rep Discord: 3. Gamertag of Rep: Rep Discord: 4. Gamertag of Rep: Rep Discord: Alternates (Up to 2): KSI cannot control game lag, or any teams connection status. If at any time you are having issues with substantial lag, or you witnessed any rule violations, please contact your Judge AFTER completing your game with VIDEO EVIDENCE. Teams who simply quit a match will with no evidence will be disqualified.
  20. On Saturday June 18th, Tournaments & Events will be hosting a 4v4 Swat tournament on Halo 5. The tournament will begin promptly at 8pm EST, with sign-ups closing 2 hours prior to the event. (6:00pm EST) General Rules and Regs: All weekend warfares are open to everyone regardless of whether they are in the community or not. Late sign-ups will not be admitted. Proxy posts must be approved before hand by department heads/Senior Staff. (KSI Akame 7, KSI Atom 7) Tardiness will be grounds for disqualification. Any individual disqualification will automatically result in the entire team disqualification for any specific event.. Team Captains will be responsible for any and all communication with T&E staff (Staff member through Department Head) during and following matches and events. T&E rulings are final unless the Co-Head, Head or CDM feel a ruling should be changed or new information/evidence is presented to rightfully alter the ruling. All KSI Events must be played with a controller and not keyboard and mouse. The event will have a meeting 30 minutes prior to the event, all members who sign up must be available for the meeting to go over the event rules. PLEASE USE THE FOLLOWING FORMAT WHEN SIGNING UP: Team Captain: Division: Teammate: Division: Teammate: Division: Teammate: Division:
  21. On Saturday June 11th, T&E will be hosting a Karaoke event. The tournament will begin promptly at 8pm EST, with sign-ups closing 2 hours prior to the event. (6:00pm EST) General Rules and Regs: All weekend warfares are open to everyone regardless of whether they are in the community or not. Late sign-ups will not be admitted. Proxy posts must be approved before hand by department heads/Senior Staff. (KSI Akame 7, KSI Atom 7) Tardiness will be grounds for disqualification. T&E rulings are final unless the Co-Head, Head or CDM feel a ruling should be changed or new information/evidence is presented to rightfully alter the ruling. The event will have a reminder message 2 hours prior to the event, all members who sign up must check-in if they're still available to participate. Karaoke Rules and Regs: You can sing any song as long as it is appropriate and not against the KSI Code of Conduct. Participants will be allotted 4 minutes to sing their song. If it goes longer than 4 minutes, you will be cut off by the judges, so please practice beforehand! Winners will be decided by the Judge panel’s TOTAL AVERAGE score. In the event of a tie, the judges will decide the winner as well. You will be judged off of the following categories: Song Choice, Difficulty of the song you chose, and Pitch. PLEASE USE THE FOLLOWING FORMAT WHEN SIGNING UP: Gamertag: Division:
  22. This event is a part of KSI's Spirit Week 2022! The event will begin at 8:00 PM EST on the dot. Late arrivals will not be permitted entry into the tournament. Please be certain that all participants have read and understood the rules and regulations listed below! Tournament Rules & Regulations: Each series will be played as a “Best of 1”. This tournament will also be double elimination, meaning that teams have to lose twice to be eliminated. Do not abuse or use the in game chat in a disrespectful way towards your opponents. Be respectful. This includes but is not limited to: Talking back to event hosts, having an attitude after winning or losing, being rude to your opponents and taking friendly banter too far. Failure to comply with any of these rules may result in disqualification from the event. Only Division Leaders (or highest rank available) should post up the team roster below. Please use the following format: Team 1: 1. Team Captain: 2. Gamertag of Rep: 3. Gamertag of Rep: 4. Gamertag of Rep: Team Captain's Discord: Team 2: 1. Team Captain: 2. Gamertag of Rep: 3. Gamertag of Rep: 4. Gamertag of Rep: Team Captain's Discord: Team 3: 1. Team Captain: 2. Gamertag of Rep: 3. Gamertag of Rep: 4. Gamertag of Rep: Team Captain's Discord: Alternates (Up to 6): KSI cannot control game lag, or any teams connection status. If at any time you are having issues with substantial lag, or you witnessed any rule violations, please contact your Judge AFTER completing your game with VIDEO EVIDENCE. Teams who simply quit a match will with no evidence will be disqualified. ALL T&E events must be played on Controller even if you are playing on PC.
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