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KSI Atom 7

Monkey Twerker
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Everything posted by KSI Atom 7

  1. Award: Fall Classic 2024 KSI PandaLeafy @Bootasious KSI SCH1TZY @KSI SCH1TZY KSI HEFNER 7 @KSI HEFNER 7 KSI ZombieSlaya @KSI ZombieSlaya KSI Tiberius_04 @KSI Tiberius 194 KSI xHAWKx 7 @ KSI xHAWKx 7 KSI Magmakiller14 @Magmakiller14 KSIxLEGIONx7 @KSIxLEGIONx7 KSI Kirito#1525 @KSI Kirito1 DaHomieRonin @ThaHomieRonin KSI Hisoka @KSI Hisoka0 KSIDestroyer @Ksidestroyer1 KSI Tiger 77 @KSI Tiger 77 KSI MotoShadw 7 @KSI Shadw KSI MisVIBES @MisVIBES KSI 1ScarySOB @I Am 1ScaryS0B KSI Magix @magic_counch KSI WaviestSnow @KSI WaviestSnow KSI Jullz @Jullz KSI Tomdog @Tomdog KSI Harmony @HarmonySkittles KSI Assault1 @assaultman1 KSI Eternal @EternalHavoc KSI Dragon86 @KSI Dragon86 GunxVoidGrim @GunXGundamX RemiTheHusky @KSI Rebel54 KSI xDudu @KSI xDudu KSIChronicles14k @Chronicles14k KSI ZER0trigg3r @KSI ZER0TRIGG3R KSI Driftish @KSI DRIFTISH KSI Squish @Ksi Squish KSI Cubone @KSI Robbies2002 KSI DABSTER OG @Ronnie KSI DrtyxSushi @KSI DrtyxSushi JuicyGoose @JuicyGoose KSI Swifty @KSI xChezzy KSI Smileyyy @SmileyyyBoo KSI Kaos @Surf spartan KSI Celebi @KSI Celebi KSI Felicia @KSI Felicia KSI Bunny @BluBunny222 KSI Fidelity @KSI Downish Malfidelity @Malfidelity Hufflepuff#601 @Anime Dreamgirl2.0 KSI TangyAces @TangyAces KSI xGAMBIT @KSI xGAMBIT KSI Azrael 7 @KSI Azrael 7 KSI Nytss @Nytyss Stardust @KSI Stardust KSI Aequitas @TheJakeGilman KSI Fats Mcgee @KSI Fats McGee KSI Paradox @Loyalty Paradox KSIPROPHECY7 @KSIPROPHECY7 Jewels @KSI Jewels 7 KSI Tea 7 @KSI Tea 7 KSI REBEL 7 @KSI REBEL 7 Delta 38 @Delta 38 KSI Swag 77 @KSI Swag 77 KSI ZBOSS2803 @KSI ZBOSS2803 KSI Horror @KSI OPTIC KSI Everest @KSI Everest KSI Sub 7 @KSI Sub 7 KSINOTBATMAN @KSINOTBATMAN KSI Ridden 7 @KSI Ridden KSI Slick 7 @KSI Slick 7 KSI Fearless @KSI Fearless... KSI Toasty @Daddytoasty KSI Spleakz @Spleakz KSI FleeTheScene @KSI FleeTheScene KSIMrsSprinks @Mrs Sprinks KSI S34NdaHawk @ksi s34ndahawk KSI VikingBear @VikingBear KSI Atom 7 @KSI Atom 7 KSI Akame 77 @KSI Akame 77 dlolw @dlolw KSI IMPyyy VII @Impy KSI Soap 7 @KSI Soap 7 KSI DarkAngel 7 @KSI DarkAngeI 7 KSI luci lux 7 @http://i.imgur.com/Cs5q0Lm.gifAwoken Lucifer KSI Alpha01 @KSI Alpha01 KSIxAsuma 77 @KSIxAsuma 77 KSI CyborgNinja @KSICyborgNinja KSI CR4ZYWNJ @KSI CR4ZYWNJ K1llerJr @K1llerJuni0r KSI Cursed @KSICursed KSI DIO @KSI DIO_BRANDO KSI Zillah @KSI Zillah Praise Lycan @ksi Lycans KSI sypher PK 7 @KSIALISTAIR KSI Hatred @KSI Hatrid KSI Daenerys @KSI Hybridd KSI MAJORA @KSI Majora KSI Insanxty @Ksi Insanxty KSI DEXX @KSI DEXXX RareGHOST @RareGHOST KSI Capsfan @KSi Capsfan KSI WldMama7 @KSI WldMama7 KSI Bubbles2 @KSI Bubbles2 KSIxFryed420 @KSIxFryed420 CIVDIV0420 @lcplskinn djbabyboi79 @Djbabyboi79 KSIxREAPER @KSI.REAPER KSIKingcold @KSIkingcold KSI Beatbox @KSI Fire38 VENM VII @VENM VII TheD3v1L @KSI D3V1L 7 baddog1710 @ksi badbog KSI ROGUE WOLF @KSI R0GUEW0LF KSI DropShot#303 @DropShot4684 KSI Dragon @FivesCT8176 KSI Drogo912 @KSI DROGO912 Reasoning: All members listed above had participated in the Discord Poll for Fall Classic 2024.
  2. Award: Annual Event Participant 2024 KSI Ridden 7 @KSI Ridden KSI Spleaksz @Spleakz DaHomieRonin @ThaHomieRonin KSI Viking Bear @VikingBear KSI SCH1TZY @KSI SCH1TZY KSI Insanxty @Ksi Insanxty KSI Beatbox @KSI Fire38 KSI Kingcold @KSIkingcold KSI Magik @magic_counch KSI Atom 7 @Brnk Atom KSI xGAMBIT @KSI xGAMBIT KSI Jullz @Jullz KSI Swag 77 @KSI Swag 77 FivesCT8176 @FivesCT8176 KSI Capsfan @KSi Capsfan KSI Kaos @Surf spartan Reasoning: Not previously awarded, these members listed above had participated in their first annual event during Fall Classic 2024. Award: Annual Event Winner 2024 KSI SCH1TZY @KSI SCH1TZY KSI Insanxty @Ksi Insanxty Reasoning: Not previously awarded, these members listed above had won an event during Fall Classic 2024.
  3. Award: Spirit Week 2024 KSI Azrael 7 @KSI Azrael 7 KSI Fats Mcgee @KSI Fats McGee KSI Pastries 7 @KSI Pastries 7 KSI Horror @KSI OPTIC Woozymean1 @ksiwoozymean1 KSILaced @KsiLaced KSI Slick 7 @KSI Slick 7 KSI Toasty @Daddytoasty KSI WEBBY1y @KSI WEBBY1y KSI Guns4hire @KSI Guns4hire KSI Pixel @KSI_Pixel KSI Kman @KSI Kman Nytyss @Nytyss FalloutNV2277 @Remiwest2004 Gr8RaptorOne @FastDog KSI Morph @Morph KSI Darken @KSI DarkenThurst TexAngel 77 @TexAngel 77 KSI CR4ZYWNJ @KSI CR4ZYWNJ KSI Skyress @ReconBossYT Bane @Bane 7 KSI WldMama7 @KSI WldMama7 TheD3v1L @KSI D3V1L 7 KSI MAJORA @KSI Majora kanfrmny @KSI KAN KSI PandaLeafy @Bootasious KSI Slay @slay KSI WaviestSnow @KSI WaviestSnow KSI Cubone @KSI Robbies2002 KSIxFryed420 @KSIxFryed420 KSI Bunny @BluBunny222 KSI Fidelity @KSI Downish KSI Doc @Gunslanger KSI xHAWKx 7 @ KSI xHAWKx 7 DaHomieRonin @ThaHomieRonin KSIDestroyer @Ksidestroyer1 KSI Chopper @KSI Ch0pper NightDaff @KSI Daffy Boi KSI DABSTER OG @Ronnie ZER0TRIGG3R @KSI ZER0TRIGG3R KSI ODINN 7 @KSI ODINN 7 Swifty @KSI xChezzy Reasoning: These members listed above had participated in either the Forums Challenge or Discord Poll during Spirit Week 2024. Award: Spirit Week Participant KSI Bubbles2 @KSI Bubbles2 KSI Fresh @ESFresh8497 CoD Lycan @ksi Lycans NightDaff @KSI Daffy Boi KSI Doc @Gunslanger KSI Skyress @ReconBossYT KSIJester3812 @darkjester2118 KSI BADD0G96 @Badd0g96 KSI Antijr @Gabriel V KSI ANTILEGION @KSI Anti Legion KSI Fidelity @KSI Downish KSI MAJORA @KSI Majora Reasoning: These members listed above had participated in at least 1 event during Spirit Week 2024. Award: Annual Event Participant 2024 KSI Bubbles2 @KSI Bubbles2 KSI Fresh @ESFresh8497 CoD Lycan @ksi Lycans NightDaff @KSI Daffy Boi KSI Skyress @ReconBossYT KSIJester3812 @darkjester2118 KSI BADD0G96 @Badd0g96 KSI Antijr @Gabriel V KSI ANTILEGION @KSI Anti Legion KSI Fidelity @KSI Downish KSI MAJORA @KSI Majora Reasoning: These members listed above had participated in their first annual event during Spirit Week 2024. Award: Annual Event Winner 2024 KSI Fresh @ESFresh8497 KSI TangyAces @TangyAces NightDaff @KSI Daffy Boi GhostofTime @GhostOfTime44 KSI Fidelity @KSI Downish Reasoning: These members listed above had won an event during Spirit Week 2024.
  4. Select your division from the choices posted above you believe is going to come out on top during Spirit Week 2024. For those that participate, also comment below as that is how you will earn the Spirit Week 2024 Forums Award. If you do not comment, you will not receive the award so make sure to vote and post!
  5. This year I was mostly working including an almost 24 hour shift on Easter, so I didn't have enough free time to go out. Next year, I might take a few days off so I can spend time with the family and go out to places outside of the city.
  6. For those that participate in the poll, also comment below as that is how you will earn the Spring Break 2024 Forums Award. If you do not comment, you will not receive the award so make sure to vote and post!
  7. Cupid Clash 2024 Nominations Award: Annual Event Participation 2024 KSI Celebi @KSI Celebi JuicyGoose @JuicyGoose EternalHavoc @EternalHavoc KSI OPTIC @KSI OPTIC KSI Sprinks @KSI Sprinks KSI iTz Joe @KSI Joe KSI Hatrid @KSI Hatrid KSI Shootah @KSI Shootah KSI Tiger 77 @KSI Tiger 77 KSI Tiberius @KSI Tiberius 194 KSI WldMama 7 @KSI WldMama7 KSI HEFNER 7 @KSI HEFNER 7 Robbie2002 @Reaprob KSI Doc @Gunslanger JRJN1 @Ksi jrjn1 KSI K1ll3rjr @K1llerJuni0r KSI FuryFox @KSI Zoroark GR8RaptorOne @FastDog KSI VORT3X @Vort3x KSI Septicade@KSI Septicade Reason: These members listed above had participated in an event during Cupid Clash 2024. Award: Annual Event Winner 2024 KSI Celebi @KSI Celebi KSI Hatrid @KSI Hatrid JRJN1 @Ksi jrjn1 Reason: These members listed above had won an event during Cupid Clash 2024.
  8. Head of T&E KSI Akame 77 @KSI Akame 77 Co-Head of T&E KSI Atom 7 @Brnk Atom T&E Senior Staff KSI Infid3l @KSI Infid3l T&E Staff Member KSI CR4ZYWNJ @KSI CR4ZYWNJ KSI Dropshot 7 @Mr. DropShot KSIJester#3812 @darkjester2118 KSI DEMON 9 @KSI DEMON 9 KSI Chunks @KSI Chunks T&E Advisor KSI WldMama7 @KSI WldMama7
  9. Turkey Bowl 2023 Nominations Award: Annual Event Participation KSI FuryFox @AGTFuryFox Groot96 @Justinmm96 KSI Septicade @KSI Septicade Aspect9939 @Aspect9939 KSI BlueBunny22 @BluBunny222 KSI Fire38 @KSI Fire38 KSI Fantasma @KSI Fantasma KSI N1ght @XxN1GhTMaRe#9826 MagickIllusion0 @MagickIllusion0 KSI Prod @KSI Prod KSI spark#7128 @KSI spark Gr8RaptorOne @FastDog Reasoning: These members listed above had participated in an event during Turkey Bowl 2023. Award: Annual Event Winner 2023 KSI HEFNER @KSI HEFNER KSI Septicade @KSI Septicade Aspect9939 @Aspect9939 KSI Prod @KSI Prod Gr8RaptorOne @FastDog KSI spark#7128 @KSI spark Award: These members listed above had won an event during Turkey Bowl 2023.
  10. Veteran's Day 2023 Nominations Award: Vets Day KSI XChezzy @KSI xChezzy KSI Atom 7 @Brnk Atom KSI Chunks @KSI Chunks KSI Azrael 7 @KSI Azrael 7 KSI Mrs Sprinks @Mrs Sprinks KSILaced @KsiLaced KSI Pixel @KSI_Pixel KSI BluBunny222 @BluBunny222 KSI MANCHILD @KSIManchild666 KSIAlphabear @KSIALPHABEAR KSI Slick 7 @KSI Slick 7 KSI Septicade @KSI Septicade KSI Swag 77 @KSI Swag 77 KSI Paradox7 @Loyalty Paradox KSIPROPHECY7 @KSIPROPHECY7 KSI Joker 77 @Joker 77 KSI Sharkie666 @KSISharkie666 KSI Celebi @KSI Celebi KSI DEMON 9 @KSI DEMON 9 KSIxFryed420 @KSIxFryed420 KSI HEFNER @KSI HEFNER KSI TrueGhost @KSI TrueGhost KSI Assault1 @assaultman1 KSI VENUM 7 @VENM VII Reasoning: These members listed above had participated in either the Poker Night event or the Forum's discussion during Veteran's Day 2023.
  11. Fall Classic 2023 Nominations Award: Annual Event Participant 2023 DirtySoap62 @Dirtysoap62 DirtyHeathen186 @KSI Heathen 7 HarryPotterIRP @cheez_wiz KSI Mrs Sprinks @Mrs Sprinks KSI xFryed420 @KSIxFryed420 KSI xVinny3 @KSI VlNDlCATOR Nite I REBEL @NITE l REBEL 7 KSI Dropshot303 @DropShot4684 KSIxSugarloafx @SugarLoaf KSI Ruthless495 @KSI Ruthlesskiller KSIBounded50 @BoundingCoast50 IG KANFRMNY @KSI KAN Ghost of Time44 @GhostOfTime44 KSI ANTI LEGION @KSI Anti Legion KSI BeeMovie @the bee movie animate-bottle1 @Animate-bottle1 Sleepypanda4716 @Sleepypanda MyNameBlqnk @KSI Jumper TBZLaced @KsiLaced Reasoning: These members listed above had participated in an event during Fall Classic 2023. Award: Annual Event Winner 2023 KSI ANTI Jr @Gabriel V Ghost Of Time44 @GhostOfTime44 KSI ANTI LEGION @KSI Anti Legion DirtySoap62 @Dirtysoap62 DirtyHeathen186 @KSI Heathen 7 HarryPotterIRP @cheez_wiz Reasoning: These members listed above had won an event during Fall Classic 2023.
  12. Whether you gathered for Thanksgiving or not, what is your preferred entree. For those that participate, also comment below as that is how you will earn the Turkey Bowl 2023 Forums Award. If you do not comment, you will not receive the award so make sure to vote and post!
  13. We like to honor the men and women who has served in the Armed Forces, willingly chose to make the sacrifice in harm’s way to keep us safe. Your service does not go unnoticed and as a community, we thank you for your service. Are you a veteran? Do you have a family member or friend who are? What Does Veterans Day Mean to You? Do you have any traditions to honor the veterans? Comment below answering at least one of the questions above to be eligible for the Veterans Day 2023 Forum Award.
  14. KSI's last competitive Annual Event of the year is almost here! Turkey Bowl 2023 is set and we have dates, times and events! Event Schedule ✧ Day 1 - Friday, November 24th Rocket League 2v2 Soccar (6pm EST) Sign ups: https://challonge.com/tournaments/signup/DWB0nyzefy ✧ Day 2 - Saturday, November 25th Apex Legends Battle Royale Duos (6pm EST) Sign Ups: https://challonge.com/tournaments/signup/L2JjFnm6fM ✧ Day 3 - Sunday, November 26th Modern Warfare II 4v4 CDL Hardpoint (6pm EST) Sign Ups: https://challonge.com/tournaments/signup/1GuLFaKMRF Event Sign Ups Members must complete registration before the tournament start time in order to participate in an event. Members are accountable for choosing their teammates, making any roster changes, and/or substitutions prior to the event start time. Turkey Bowl will also be opening up sign ups to our partnered communities. Event registrations will close two (2) hours prior to the scheduled start of each event. Event Information Late sign-ups will not be admitted. Tardiness will be grounds for disqualification. KSI has a 0 tolerance policy for all forms of harassment, sexual harassment, abuse, racism, or sexism for any reason. Be respectful. This includes but is not limited to: Talking back to event hosts, having an attitude after winning or losing, being rude to your opponents, taking friendly banter too far, shooting bodies, and t-bagging. T&E rulings are final unless the Co-Head, Head or CDM feel a ruling should be changed or new information/evidence is presented to rightfully alter the ruling. Failure to comply with any of these rules may result in disqualification from the event. All further rules, including game settings, will be announced by T&E hosts prior to the day of the event. Captains Meeting and Discord Captains Meeting will be held on discord for all events. When signing teams up, the poster will be asked to include the Team Captain's Discord username. The team captain will then be added as a friend by KSI Akame 77 / KSI Atom 7 on discord, and once accepted will be invited to the Annual Events Team Captains discord server. Please make sure that your captains are on the lookout for this friend request and accept/join the server in a timely manner. If there are any changes to who will be your team captain, please reach out to KSI Akame 77 / KSI Atom 7 and let him know as soon as possible. The event will have a meeting 30 minutes prior to the event, all captains who sign up must be available for the meeting to go over the event rules. Discord: ksi_akame_77 or _atom_7 Forums Poll There will be a Forum Poll posted as part of the event in the Turkey Bowl Section of the forums. It will open at 6pm EST on Friday and close at 7pm EST on Sunday. Members must vote and reply to the topic to receive the Turkey Bowl 2023 Award. SOCIAL MEDIA: Follow along on our Social Media platforms to stay informed, engaged, and to connect with KSI! X: http://www.twitter.com/KSIGlobalGaming Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/KSIGlobalGaming Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ksiglobalgaming/ YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/c/KSIGlobalGaming Twitch: http://twitch.tv/KSILive
  15. Fall Classic Is Here!!! please select one of the 3 choices listed above. Also comment below as that is how you will earn the Fall Classic 2023 Forums Award. If you do not comment, you will not receive the award so please make sure to vote and post!
  16. KSI Atom 7


    Award: Spirit Week Participant KSI Fish420 @brianf420 BWICKID @BWickid666 EternalHavoc @EternalHavoc KSI Akame 77 @KSI Akame 7 KSI BADD0G96 @Badd0g96 KSI Bubbles2 @KSI Bubbles2 KSI Celebi @KSI Celebi KSI D3v1l 7 @KSI D3V1L 7 KSI Darthon @KSI Darthon KSI DEMON 9 @KSI DEMON 9 KSI Ghostface @KSI GHOSTFACE KSI HEFNER @KSI HEFNER KSI Nezuko @KSI Nezuko KSI Pastries 7 @KSI Pastries 7 KSI Shootah @KSI Shootah KSI SuddenJUMP @KSI SuddenJump KSI Swanny @KSI Swanny KSI Tomdog 2 @Tomdog KSI TOPDOGS @KSITOPDOGS KSI Uppish 7 @KSI Uppish 7 KSI WaviestSnow @KSI WaviestSnow KSI WldMama7 @KSI WldMama7 KSI xGambit @KSI xGAMBIT KSI ZigZag @KSI ZigZag KSIBerserker @KSIBeserker KSIJester#3812 @darkjester2118 KSI Dropshot 7 @Mr. DropShot KSIxAsuma 77 @KSIxAsuma 77 KSI Gecko @Gecko KSI Sprinks @KSI Sprinks KSISharkie66 @KSISharkie666 KSI BULLROCK @BULLROCKATA KSI Destiny @KSI Destiny3467 KSI Sub 7 @KSI Sub 7 KSI OddBa11 @KSI OddBa11 KSI Howard @KSIHoward KSImrsparkle @Mrsparkles KSI Infid3l @KSI Infid3l KSI RA1D3N @Cornishguy94 KSITHURSDAY @KSIThursday KSI Godzilla @KSI GODZILLA KSI KER1ZMA @KSI ker1zma LessPositive @KSI LessPositive DEVILSSHADOW73 @DEVILSSHADOW73 Didnt Ask M8 @Didnt Ask M8 KSI DIO @KSI DIO_BRANDO KSI Cowboy @KSI cowboy Mainer210 @Mainer210 KSI Chunks @KSI Chunks KSIDJGRIEFER @KSI_DJTHEGRIEFER KSI Troa yui @Troayui MATCHBOXX420 @Matchboxx420 warriorforhire1 @warriorforhire1 KSI AZ Movin @KSI AZ Movin KSI Clock995 @KSI CLOCK KSI Rita 7 @Rita SGS TREX KILLER @SGS TREX KILLER XSargeX @xSargex KSI Oryx @KSI DaKeech KSI Ariesking @Aries88 KSI Beams @KSI Beams Ikaros17 @Ikaros17 Reasoning: These members listed above have participated in at least one event during Spirit Week 2023.
  17. Fall Classic 2023! Hello! We are proud to announce the official schedule for KSI's 7th Annual Fall Classic, to be held Friday, September 22nd through Sunday, September 24th! For Fall Classic, there will be a schedule of events and a forums poll. Schedule: Friday, September 22nd: Opening Stream/Forums Poll 5PM EST: Apex Customs / Speedrun Saturday, September 23rd: 5PM to 8PM EST: Black Ops Series Throwback Sunday, September 24th: Closing Ceremony 5PM EST: Rainbow Six Siege 4v4 Hostage **Event Sign Ups** All sign-ups will be posted in the Fall Classic section within the Clan Ops Discord Server. Unlike past events, teams may be comprised of members within the KSI community, regardless of rank, squad, or division. Members are accountable for choosing their teammates, making their team, posting the sign ups, and making any roster changes prior to the event start time. All members who compete must be documented on Omega before September 15th 2023. For any member that had a join/rejoin app in before September 15th but was recruited after, please reach out to KSI Akame 77 / KSI Atom 7 and it will be discussed on a case-by-case basis. Any member recruited into KSI and entered into the CMS after September 15th will not be eligible to compete in the team-based events. They will be eligible for the Forums Poll. **Captains Meeting and Discord** Captains Meeting will be held on discord for all events. When signing teams up, the poster will be asked to include the Team Captain's Discord username in the post. The team captain will then be added as a friend by KSI Akame 77 / KSI Atom 7 on discord, and once accepted will be invited to the Annual Events Team Captains discord server. Please make sure that your captains are on the lookout for this friend request and accept/join the server in a timely manner. If there are any changes to who will be your team captain, please reach out to KSI Akame 77 / KSI Atom 7 and let him know as soon as possible. Discord: ksi_akame_77 or _atom_7 **Forums Poll** There will be a Forum Poll posted as part of the event in the Fall Classic Section of the forums. It will open at 5pm EST on Friday and close at 7pm EST on Sunday. Members must vote and reply to the topic to receive the Fall Classic 2023 Award. SOCIAL MEDIA: Follow along on our Social Media platforms to stay informed, engaged, and to connect with KSI! X: http://www.twitter.com/KSIGlobalGaming Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/KSIGlobalGaming Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ksiglobalgaming/ YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/c/KSIGlobalGaming Twitch: http://twitch.tv/KSILive
  18. KSI Atom 7


    Award: Annual Event Participant 2023 KSI Dropshot 7 @Mr. DropShot KSIxAsuma 77 @KSIxAsuma 77 KSI Gecko @Gecko KSI Sprinks @KSI Sprinks KSISharkie66 @KSISharkie666 KSI BULLROCK @BULLROCKATA KSI Destiny @KSI Destiny3467 KSI Sub 7 @KSI Sub 7 KSI OddBa11 @KSI OddBa11 KSI Howard @KSIHoward KSImrsparkle @Mrsparkles KSI Infid3l @KSI Infid3l KSI RA1D3N @Cornishguy94 KSITHURSDAY @KSIThursday KSI Godzilla @KSI GODZILLA KSI KER1ZMA @KSI ker1zma LessPositive @KSI LessPositive DEVILSSHADOW73 @DEVILSSHADOW73 Didnt Ask M8 @Didnt Ask M8 KSI DIO @KSI DIO_BRANDO KSI Cowboy @KSI cowboy Mainer210 @Mainer210 KSI Chunks @KSI Chunks KSIDJGRIEFER @KSI_DJTHEGRIEFER KSI Troa yui @Troayui MATCHBOXX420 @Matchboxx420 warriorforhire1 @warriorforhire1 KSI AZ Movin @KSI AZ Movin KSI Clock995 @KSI CLOCK KSI Rita 7 @Rita SGS TREX KILLER @SGS TREX KILLER XSargeX @xSargex KSI Oryx @KSI DaKeech KSI Ariesking @Aries88 KSI Beams @KSI Beams Ikaros17 @Ikaros17 Reasoning: These members listed above had participated in an event during Spirit Week 2023. Award: Annual Event Winner 2023 KSI Dropshot 7 @Mr. DropShot KSI Pastries 7 @KSI Pastries 7 KSI Infid3l @KSI Infid3l KSI Bubbles2 @KSI Bubbles2 KSI KER1ZMA @KSI ker1zma LessPositive @KSI LessPositive DEVILSSHADOW73 @DEVILSSHADOW73 KSI Sprinks @KSI Sprinks KSI Uppish 7 @KSI Uppish 7 KSI Sub 7 @KSI Sub 7 KSI DEMON 9 @KSI DEMON 9 Reasoning: These members listed above had won an event during Spirit Week 2023.
  19. I spent most of the day at work, but showed up on time to watch my neighbors launch fireworks.
  20. KSI Atom 7


    Award: Annual Event Participant 2023 bfisher420 @brianf420 Bruins Pride @KSI CheekClappr BWICKID @BWickid666 Dabbasaur @Towely gamer17 DemonicDragon @DemonicDragon00 EternalHavoc @EternalHavoc F1 RareGHOST @RareGHOST Glemn @KSI xChezzy KSI 30thMidget @KSI 30thMidget KSI Akame 77 @KSI Akame 7 KSI Alucard#4275 @KSI Diablo Noir KSI Assault1 @assaultman1 KSI Azrael 7 @KSI Azrael 7 KSI BADD0G96 @Badd0g96 KSI BLITZ11 @KSI Blitz11 KSI Bubbles2 @KSI Bubbles2 KSI D3v1l 7 @KSI D3V1L 7 KSI Darthon @KSI Darthon KSI DEMON 9 @KSI DEMON 9 KSI Dragon86 @KSI Dragon86 KSI Geico @Geico KSI Ghostface @KSI GHOSTFACE KSI GreyaNye @GreyaNigh84 KSI Hatter 77 @Hatter 77 KSI Insanxty @Ksi Insanxty KSI JaxyBoi @KSI JaxyBoi KSI K1llerjr @K1llerJuni0r KSI Kaneki @Kaneki KSI MARB @MARLBOROMAN KSI Mayor 7 @KSI Mayor 7 KSI Mystic#5768 @KSIMystic KSI Nezuko @KSI Nezuko KSI Onehand8 @Killermolly8 KSI paradox 7 @Loyalty Paradox KSI Pastries 7 @KSI Pastries 7 KSI Path 7 @KSI Path 7 KSI Sasuke08 @Sasuke08 KSI SCH1TZY @KSI SCH1TZY KSI Shootah @KSI Shootah KSI Shway @KSI Shway 7 KSI Starfire @KSI StarFire KSI Tiger 77 @KSI Tiger 77 KSI Tomdog 2 @Tomdog KSI Torch096 @KSI Torch096 KSI TyraTrexXuS96 @KSI TyraTreXxuS KSI Uppish 7 @KSI Uppish 7 KSI Viking@KSI_Viking KSI W1CKED 7 @I AM W1CKED KSI WaviestSnow @KSI WaviestSnow KSI X @KSI X KSI xDudu @KSI xDudu KSI xGambit @KSI xGAMBIT KSI xShooter @KSI Nebula 7 KSI xSmitty @KSI xSmitty KSI ZigZag @KSI ZigZag KSI Blackwolf @OG Blackwolf KSIBerserker @KSIBeserker KSICR4ZYWNJ @KSI CR4ZYWNJ KSIkingcold @KSIkingcold KSIxLEGIONx7 @KSIxLEGIONx7 Mydog @Mydog NomaPrune48 @NomaPrune48 ShadowNinja054 @KSI ninja dm80 Sxlar NOVA @Sxlar Nova Sxlar Static @Sxlar Static TEXASxTACO @TEXASxTACO ZER0trigg3r @KSI ZER0TRIGG3R Reasoning: These members listed above had participated in an event during Spring Break 2023. Award: Annual Event Winner 2023 KSI Akame 77 @KSI Akame 7 KSI BLITZ11 @KSI Blitz11 KSI Ghostface @KSI GHOSTFACE KSI Shway @KSI Shway 7 KSI Starfire @KSI StarFire KSI WldMama7 @KSI WldMama7 KSI Wu Tang#4326 @Mr. Wu Tang KSI xDudu @KSI xDudu KSI xSmitty @KSI xSmitty KSI ZigZag @KSI ZigZag ShadowNinja054 @KSI ninja dm80 Sxlar NOVA @Sxlar Nova Sxlar Static @Sxlar Static Reasoning: These members listed above had won an event during Spring Break 2023.
  21. Minecraft Build-off 4th of July Theme (06/19/23 - 06/25/23) This event is a part of KSI's Spirit Week 2023! The event will begin at 5:00 PM EST on the dot. Late arrivals will not be permitted entry into the tournament. Please be certain that all participants have read and understood the rules and regulations listed below! Tournament Rules & Regulations No team limit per division. All participating members must be registered on Omega on or before June 14th, 2023. You are welcome to build anything as long as it is appropriate to the theme and not against the KSI Code of Conduct. Only members within your division and participants listed in your roster can participate. Additional rules for this event may be specified by our hosts prior to the event. Failure to comply with any of these rules may result in the entire team disqualification from the event. Minecraft Build-off Rules The world seed will be provided in the "Annual Events Team Captain Server" to all map holders 30 minutes prior to 5pm EST. Any team that does not use the provided seed/theme will be disqualified. Must be in creative mode. No texture packs can be used in the build-off. Judging will take place on Sunday, June 25th, 2023 from 5 PM EST to 6:30 PM EST by T&E staff members and special guests. Please reach out to KSI Akame 77 or KSI Atom 7 if you got any questions about this event. Only Divisional Leaders (Co-founder or higher) should post up the team roster below. Please use the following format: Division: Team 1: 1. Map Holder: 2. Gamertag of Rep: 3. Gamertag of Rep: 4. Gamertag of Rep: 5. Gamertag of Rep: 6. Gamertag of Rep: 7. Gamertag of Rep: 8. Gamertag of Rep: Map Holder's Discord: KSI cannot control game lag, or any teams connection status. If at any time you are having issues with substantial lag, or you witnessed any rule violations, please contact your Judge AFTER completing your game with VIDEO EVIDENCE. Teams who simply quit a match will with no evidence will be disqualified.
  22. Revenge of the Sith is my favorite Star Wars movie, but I pretty much enjoy all the movies except for the sequel trilogy.
  23. If most of the family wasn't working, we would normally attend an Easter party or have a family dinner later at night.
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