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Jew Bacca

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About Jew Bacca

  • Birthday 07/08/1994

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  • Interests
    Killing people on COD
  • Gamertag
    Ksi Jew Bacca94

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  1. Director of the year: KSI Royal 7. Royal is awesome always in n out of parties and just makes games funner always around for help and always trolling to find those in need. Division leader of the year: KSI iphenix 7 he is an awesome person very persuasive mature and very capable of accomplishing great goals when set. A stand out guy fun and always correcting those little mistakes which is why DH is growing fairly smoothly with a saftyness swell. CoDiv of the year: KSI Dusky to me he is a good hard working person that accepts peoples advice from his flaws asks around to improve himself and I respect someone who is a leader trying to become better by asking and interacting with whom he is leading. Founder of the year: KSI ilegion 7 he is a type if person that will try to pick you up when you online or invite to party to always say to was up man. Ha that's awesome shows the love and respect he has to his fellow mates, and he is a wookie just like me . CoFo of the year: KSI Arc always trying to help making sure he is informed about his squads. Always getting involved and that's very important. General of the year: KSI EXODUS XXVI he has been thru quite few rough times people getting tookin from his squad but he has still maintained a very positive attitude one if my best friends in KSI and it's great when there are people like him that can share a Coo friendship.
  2. Division Leader Of The Month- KSI IPhenix 7 Ive been In DH This Entire Year Basicly And Have never Left. Always Stayed with DH. When Freakinpope left and phenix came to Div leader; at the time there was barely hope for DH No Leaders No sorts of activity any where you went in DH. From what has happened from then to now a Huge difference. All generals active and Commited. Co founders know Exactly what tehre duties are as Well as Founders and Co Div. He didnt do it alone No But HE was One Of the Biggest Pieces That helped Rebuild The DH Puzzle
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