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Status Updates posted by slay

  1. Hello! Hope you are doing well!

    1. DntAskImAwfl


      Thanks man

      Gamed more in the last 2 days then I have in 2 years lol. Finished 3 missions and a f'n raid. 

      See you on the flip side

  2. Stop stalking me lol. Naughty Naughty. 

  3. If you’re reading this, go away. 

  4. I love seeing my latest visitors. It gives me the hope that there is somebody who likes me enough to give a care about me. Or if they just like to creep. I'm scurred.

  5. I like peanut butter.Sorry TheDoughnut.

  6. I'm so bored right now. Someone, no ANYONE please play with me!!!!!!!

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