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KSI Ni9htHawkX

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KSI Ni9htHawkX last won the day on August 26 2014

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About KSI Ni9htHawkX

  • Birthday 10/20/1981

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  • Interests
    gaming and making friends
  • Gamertag
    KSI Ni9htHawkX
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  1. Founder Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Muramasa 7 / Founder / Elite Forces Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/user/5200-ksi-muramasa-7/ Reasoning why they deserve this - This is why i say he deserves this award is because before i came to EF from TW he would listen to me and help me with my issues til TW merged into LS and i fully got my division transfer and soon as i got settled in and getting to know people in EF he was always helping his members when he could and taught what he learned when he was coming up the ranks and got EF going in the right direction that it needed to from EF hardly thriving to the active EF that is now at about 265 members Co-Founder Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSIxBLKSHDW 7 / Co-Fo / Elite Forces Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/user/15956-ksixblkshdw-7/ Reasoning why they deserve this - This is why i think he deserves this award is ever since i came over from TW after it merged with LS he told me basically everything that was going on with assassin and other squads so out of it i helped him push assassin to its squad split and after he made Co-Fo and me to GEN of assassin he was basically on top of everything that was needed in EF that was help each squad individually seeing whats wrong to seeing why the squads are in the dalema they where in so each day he'ed talk to GEN's and officers from squads to see how to fix they're issues and slowly but surely he fixed ever squads issue and made EF a better place with no issues and drama General Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Terrors / Gen / Divine Reign Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/user/15895-terror-bunnies/ Reasoning why they deserve this - This guy has been there since i joined KSI as my GEN to my Co-Fo he was always there to listen to me in my TW days before he went over to Divine Reign basically he guided me in every step before i became a GEN in TW he helped me in every a GEN and Co-Fo should have so in my opinion he help where he could with everybody even tho he had a child on the he still did what he could for everyone in TW up to DR and is still doing helping where he can
  2. why i believe he deserves this award back in my TW days i was in recoil with him before i squad transfered this dude basicly from the time he came in kept kicking butt like as in recruiting like hell, helping with name changes, and more while making it up to Gen, hes always there for his squad memebers and was there for me when i needed someone to talk to, but other than that he goes above and beyond almost every single day.
  3. i'll witness Reason why he deserves the award - i've gamed with him when he was just a Gen before a co-fo he cares about his squad and his members when i hanged with him he always had his squad members with him weather to just hang, talk, game etc he just keep talking and game there was one time me and him co-hosted a game night for ghost that was a fun night so hes willing to help others in another squad to have fun i know he works the night shift but he tries to get on and help both the squads he is over as a cofo i know its a lot of work but he manages to hang in there with everyone to make those squads he is over a better place and is trying to make tw a better place if this don't sorry i tried my best
  4. Founder Gamertag - KSI Pinky 7 / TW / Founder Link - http://www.ksiforums.org/user/16558-pinkalicious/ Reason why they deserve this - this person does so much for TW tries to make everyone work to gether and make TW a better division, she mentors people when she has time, she recruits when she can to help out, this past week shes done nothing but leadership workshops and more. LT Gamertag - KSI xWants Youx / TW / Impulse 4LT Link - http://www.ksiforums.org/user/22535-ksi-xwants-youx/ Reason why they deserve this - This guy will sit there and listen to watch u train or teach him to do weather its to recruit, train others or learning his role as a new LT to Impulse, he does game nights, goes out gets more than whats needed for recruits, games with anybody but does whats needed for his squad Member Gamertag - KSI TRUxHero TW / Impulse SSGT Link - http://www.ksiforums.org/user/22852-ksi-truxhero/ Reason why they deserve this - This person likes to learn he asks a zillion questions about anything and everything i hope to someday see him furthering his KSI Career but other than that he trains, recruits, does game nights and more for his squad hes in Member Gamertag - KSI PANTHER K / TW / Impulse SSGT Link - http://www.ksiforums.org/user/22940-black-panther-k/ Reason why they deserve this - Ever since he has came into KSI as a low rank he's wanted to help Impulse grow since he got his name change from KSI GameCrazy all hes done is help his squad be active and go out recruit, do game nights, and more.
  5. Basically Pinky has done al lot for TW even while sworn and terrors was gone on vacation she took her time and helped out every squad with madball being the only other cofo to help as much as he could but other than that she has mentored me a lot of times, she sat there and listened to me and helped me better myself in some area's but i believe she goes above and beyond for TW she does games nights when she can, she helps everyone she can, trains us higher ranks to be better leaders, and mentors who she can and more, she even loves everyone like a family even if they are not really her family
  6. i say who ever has titanfall for 360 or xbox 1 we should have 1 7, 1 gen on both sides then those 7 and gen decide a team and keep it going basically til one team from each division has only 1 team left then out of what like 12 divisions or more those teams face off for semi round til there's 2 teams left after that they take bragin rights they are the better team on titanfall and for they're division to
  7. Division Leader Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Sworn 7 / TW / Division leader Link to forums account- http://www.ksiforums.org/user/7662-swornykins-%E2%99%A5/ Reasoning why the deserve this - this guy will do whats right for his division weather its to come to game nights and have fun with everyone, to being a good leader and help his fellow 7's or answering anything a Gen ask or any rank to be a mater fact but he does whats best for the division than the division come crumbling down. Founder Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Piny 7 / TW / Founder Link to forums account- http://www.ksiforums.org/user/16558-pinky-pie/ Reasoning why the deserve this - In the week KSI Sworn 7 took his vacation and KSI Terrors 7 was still moving KSI Pinky 7 basically did her best to run TW the best she could weather it was a game, mentoring, helping others out, listening if someone needed someone there to listen to them, made sure TW was having fun and helping one another out than leaving its members behind, shes just a all loving person she'll even admit she loves everyone as a family even if we where not her real family . Captain Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI PROSPIN 913 / TW / Impulse Link to forums account- http://www.ksiforums.org/user/7218-ksi-prospin-913/ Reasoning why the deserve this - This guy will do about anything for Impulse its his baby he calls it lol, he'll go out do game nights about every night if he could, he mentors people, he takes care of issues that are needed to be taken care if they are serious, but in all and all he does whats right for the squad he rather help than move up in rank.
  8. committed - i can vouch for this since hes been here for awhile he tells me about his past times of stuff he did in KSI member assistance - hes helped me many times when i needed help taking care of issues or what we should do for the squad as a hole and has help other members that needed help i've been in plenty of parties with him when he has helped others
  9. Division Leader Gamertag - KSI Sworn 7 / Division Leader / TW Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/user/7662-swornykins-%E2%99%A5/ Reason why they deserve this - well i've knon sworn ever since he was co-division leader and i believe he has done well for TW sake and helps people when he can's and listens to issues if he has time i know hes a busy man taking care of issues in TW everyday Founder Gamertag - KSI Pinky 7 / Founder / TW Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/user/16558-pinky-pie/ Reason why they deserve this - ever since since one co-fo left and the other went on leave of absence she has been doing what she can for each squad weather its to help someone, mentor someone, take care of any TW squad issues shes there and also she does game nights through out the week to mingle with everyone from TW and other divisions its her way of bring the big KSI family together and feel the love
  10. I can witness award this guy has helped me many times with what's been going on in impulse or if there's been issues in recoil hes been there to help his lower ranks and officers when they need it for someone to listen to and he'ed just sit there and help them
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