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Kakashii 77

Covert Shinobi
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Everything posted by Kakashii 77

  1. Gamertag: KSI Kakashii 77 forums: @Kakashii 77 award: i love me evidence: currently subscribed to KSI Twitch during february https://imgur.com/a/Sr21c4X
  2. Witness statement: Skarzx Is one of the most influential members in all of KSI. This man has the respect and following of almost every single member in SL. Hes had a strong hand in productions, PO, and divisional leadership. Skarzx is a jack of all trades when it comes to KSI operations. He regularly will sit down with members no matter their rank and guide them to success. Skarzx has impacted me personally because when i was down an out, he re-lit my fire to get s*** done. And with his help im back in my prime. Thank you skarzx for all the hard work and dedication you put into not only me, but this community as a whole. You deserve this award, and so much more.
  3. Gamertag / Forums Name KSI KASPER @KSI KASPER KSIGamerJohn @KSI GamerJohn KSI ForeignG @ForeignGod5079 Award Forums certified Any evidence if required (Pictures are great too) Hosted a forums certified workshop on 1/28/20, the members above attended and participated Profile Link if possible @Kakashii 77
  4. Gamertag KSI Kakashii 77 link to profile @Kakashii 77 award: award hobbyist, three cheers evidence: total of 46 awards staff award requested: The Elite, RiiMPY 2k18
  5. Or to make it easier i started subbing during the HallofFame stream, which was 4months ago i believe.
  6. @KSI Starset 7 i have the invoices month by month, however these contain personal info, i can dm them to you or @Airborne for verification.
  7. Gamertag KSI Kakashii 77 profile link @Kakashii 77 awards: Fist step Baby bit donor evidence: First step: subbed to KSILive for 4 consecutive months. Link attached. baby bit donor: dinated 1000 bits to KSIlive during the OTY award show. Link attached https://imgur.com/a/y4u9P5e
  8. Gamertag: KSI Kakashii 77 link to profile: @Kakashii 77 award: 2020 donor evidence: donated $10 to KSI through the forums https://imgur.com/a/46HLA5A
  9. Director Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Skarzx 77 (DIRECTOR-SL) Link to forums account - @Scarface 77 Reasoning why they deserve this - Skarzx has taught me alot throughout my time in SL, he has never been one to say no to lending an extra hand when it comes to explaining things in workshops, how to run a squad and handling officer duties. Even at the rank of director, he regularly goes around the division making sure everyone is enjoying their time in KSI. Division Leader Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Grifful 7 (DIV LEAD-SL) Link to forums account - @KSI Grifful 7 Reasoning why they deserve this - Grifful has been the foundation for SL's success. He has been all over the division making sure thing are running smoothly. Hes always available to talk and give advice when you need it. He made sure that after the xmas break that the division stayed charging forward at full speed, and made it clear it has no intention of slowing down anytime soon. Co-Founder Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Rogue 7 (COFO-SL) Link to forums account - @KSI Rogue 7 Reasoning why they deserve this - Rogue has done an exceptional job as a co-founder. Throughout the beggining of january he was our acting gen and helped make sure we got the officer core needed to maintain growth and activity. He has hosted all kinds of workshops to help spread his knowledge of KSI to the whole division, so that everyone who attends gets a good understanding of KSI and how it operates. General Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI NikkixDoLL (GEN-SL-PRESTIGE) Link to forums account - @KSI NiKKixDoLL Reasoning why the deserve this - Nikki is new to the role of a general, but in the short amount of time she been at the helm, Prestige has been charging forward with recruiting, gamenights and workshops. She has laid out the foundation with an all new officer core, and has the making of a serious powerhouse squad within SL. She stays in contact with all of her members and is always willing to help another member with anything LT Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI ENERGY (LT-SL-PRESTIGE) Link to forums account - @KSI LIFEZENERGY Reasoning why they deserve this- Energy has been a highly morivated LT within Prestige, if theres any work to be done Energy is always ready to do it no matter what, he has high dedication to the squad and his officer duties. He continues to show growth in his leadership DAILY. He is a quick learner and is always staying active with members and making sure everyone is having a great time in KSI. SGT Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI ForeignG (SGT-SL-PRESTIGE) Link to forums account - @ForeignGod5079 Reasoning why they deserve this - ForeignG has been a great SGT to have around in Prestige. He is always gaming with members, chatting it up in parties and on discord. He is a really nice guy and is great to have around to promote the positivity gaming community standards that KSI is all about.
  10. Please post as following; Gamertag / Forums Name KSI KillerGOD @KSI KillerGOD KSI N0RTH @KSI N0RTH KSI NOT BATMAN @KSI NOT BATMAN KSI Skarzx 77 KSI Zakrasil @KSI Zakrasil KSI Zoinks @KSI Zoinks KSI Oakenmin @KSI OakenMin Award forums certified Any evidence if required (Pictures are great too) the above attended and participated in a forums certified workshop hosted by KSI Kakashii 77 on 1/11/20 @Kakashii 77 Gamertag / Forums Name KSI KillerGOD @KSI KillerGOD KSI N0RTH @KSI N0RTH KSI NOT BATMAN @KSI NOT BATMAN KSI Skarzx 77 KSI Zakrasil @KSI Zakrasil KSI Zoinks @KSI Zoinks KSI Oakenmin @KSI OakenMin KSI koukii813 @koukii813 KSI SUPR3M3 @KSI SUPR3M3 Award Basic training Any evidence if required (Pictures are great too) the above attended and participated in a basic training workshop hosted by KSI Kakashii 77 on 1/11/20 @Kakashii 77
  11. Award: Squad Leadership Workshop Evidence: Attended and participated in the Squad Leadership Workshop on 1/5/20 Host: KSI kakashii 77 Attendance KSI Neji @KSI Kakashi KSI GLiitch @KSI GLiiTcH KSI MRMADBONES @mrmadbones KSI NOT BATMAN @KSI NOT BATMAN
  12. Gamertag / Forums Name KSI Energy @KSI LIFEZENERGY Award forums certified Any evidence if required (Pictures are great too) Workshop hosted by KSI Kakashii 77 12/18/19 Profile Link if possible @KSI LIFEZENERGY Gamertag / Forums Name @KSI LIFEZENERGY KSI ENERGY @KSI MarblesA KSI MarblesA @KSI Zombie KSI ZOMBIE @KSI Kakashi KSI Kakashi @KSI Crazyboss13 KSI Crazyboss13 Award Train the Trainer Any evidence if required (Pictures are great too) workshop hosted by KSI Kakashii 77 12/17/19 Profile Link if possible
  13. Gamertag KSI Kakashii 77 link to forums: @Kakashii 77 award: dedicated evidence: re join app (re recruited 10/28/16) see link. https://www.ksiforums.org/topic/33173-revo-spartans-rejoin-application-recruited-into-mp/
  14. Award basic training Host: KSI Kakashii 77 @Kakashii 77 Evidence: I hosted workshop 12/10/19 Attendance: KSI MarblesA @MarblesAvenger KSI CrazyB0SS13 @KSI Crazyboss13
  15. Date 12/8/19 Host KSI Kakashii 77 @Kakashii 77 attendance: KSI ENERGY @KSI LIFEZENERGY KSI KingTurte @KSI KingTurte KSI Atsuchii @KSI Atsuchii KSI NiKKizDoLL @KSI NiKKixDoLL KSI Dakeech @KSI DaKeech KSI Rogue 7 @KSI ROGUE
  16. Date 12/8/19 Host KSI Kakashii 77 @Kakashii 77 attendance: KSI ENERGY @KSI LIFEZENERGY KSI KingTurte @KSI KingTurte KSI Atsuchii @KSI Atsuchii KSI NiKKizDoLL @KSI NiKKixDoLL KSI Dakeech @KSI DaKeech KSI Rogue 7 @KSI Rogue 7
  17. Name: KSI Kakashii 77 Link to Forums Account: @Kakashii 77 Award-/-Achievement: Jack of all trades Reason-/-Evidence: has completed necessary workshops and received relevant awards to qualify.
  18. Gamertag: KSI FadeZ 7 Forums: @FadeZ 7 Award: OSLvl 3 Witness statement: KSI FadeZ 7. This man embodies everything it means to be a KSI member. Hes been around for a long, seen everything under the sun when it comes to KSI. He always puts 100% into everything he does when it comes to any position he has been in. Fadez has proven himself to be a great member of clan ops, and department ops. whatever the challenge, he is never afraid to step forward and take the lead. This member is without a doubt, deserving of OS3. #RevoGang
  19. Gamertag: KSI Kakashii 77 twitch tag: ksi_kakashii_77 link to forums account: @Kakashii 77 Award: twitch sub evidence:
  20. Gamertag / Forums Name KSI Kakashii 77 @Kakashii 77 Award Friendly Any evidence if required (Pictures are great too) Member has won the day 4 times Profile Link if possible @Kakashii 77
  21. Gamertag / Forums Name KSI Kakashii 77 @Kakashii 77 Award Forums Newb Any evidence if required (Pictures are great too) Memeber has 300+ forum posts Profile Link if possible @Kakashii 77
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