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Libra 7

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Everything posted by Libra 7

  1. Evidence? and Andrew, don't spam in this section.
  2. Shaolin please do not post in here unless you are here as a witness or a member of the AAP or have direct authority over AAP, e.g. Admins. Yes to Veil.
  3. I say yes now that he has enough witnesses
  4. Senior : KSI Rebellion 7 Director: QueenJess Div Lead: KSI Coden 777 Co-Div: Ilegion Founder: KSI Metalhead 7 Co-Fo: arc General: gengar Major: Captain KSI xICEWOLFx LT:Mercy members: balphy Forums Staff: Luci
  5. Hey whats up. I'd like to challenge your HH team for 4-6v4-6 Dom you up? if so hit me up or hit ksixheavyduty44 up for a match schedule
  6. Participant - Take part in a KSI Event, e.g. Meeting, Game night etc... Winner - Take Part in EVERY KSI event to happen within a month. Names are stupid i know cant figure out a good name for em
  7. Name: KSI Elements 7/-LB-/-Gen- Link to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums...ksi-elements-7/ Award-/-Achievement:Donor, Hot Topic and Bright Idea Reason-/-Evidence: Donor, Donated to KSI yesterday ask Ace to confirm Hot Topic: http://www.ksiforums...__fromsearch__1 ... Well it was a hot topic but I guess the post died down after a while Bright Idea, I started the KSI radio idea, from a forum post , to a section http://www.ksiforums...__fromsearch__1
  8. Mad Max - anyone body post here to confirm? Seniors? Directors? Div Leads? Comitted - get you div leader in here to confirm
  9. Give us the link to your old forums account or show some kind of proof
  10. Can you provide some more witnesses .
  11. *Senior Leader of the Year - KSI Chaos 7 *Director of the Year - QueenJess 7 *Division Leader of the Year - KSI Hitman 7 *Co-Divsion Leader of the Year - KSI Coden 77 *Founder of the Year - KSI RiKu 187 *Co- Founder of the Year - illusions *General of the Year - Madara( Tyrant 7) *Major of the Year - Metalhead *Captain of the Year - Trauma 7 *Lieutenant of the Year - Monotooi *Member of the Year - FuzzyMeep 7 *Recruiter of the Year - KSI RIKU 187 *Donor of the Year - Luci *Forum Staff of the Year - KSI LuciLux 7 *Writer of the Year - Ace -basically, Uber's choices
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