Division Leader
Category:Co - Division Leader
Gamertag; KSI BadKitty 7
Forums Account Link / @ @KSI BadKitty 7
Reasons they deserve this award - Well for one, goes without saying if you've even heard about her, shes amazing! From the moment I rejoined i knew i could go to her about any issue and it would be handled or just even talk about it in depth with. She really knows her Poop. Not only does she head T&E now, she still runs this div and makes sure everyones doing there Poop(in a polite but FIRM way). This year(or this part of the year O.O) KSI BadKitty 7 has proven to be the best choice for me for CoDiv of the Year.
Co - Founder
Category: General
Gamertag; KSI Igan o7
Forums Account Link / @KSI Igan o7
Reasons they deserve this award - I put Igan up for this because of the squad split that happened right before/during my re recruitment. I have never seen a split happen so smooth. It seemed, from just coming back into KSI, almost effortless with how active everyone was and how friendly everyone was. I believe this was because of igans HYPE he had towards everything and all the gamenights. He was, and still is a member I know i can go to for anything. He also knows his Poop.
Forums Staff (Mods, Senior Mods, Admins)
Department Head
Gamertag; KSI Widow 7
Forums Account Link / @KSI Widow 7
Reasons they deserve this award - From what ive seen and saw(for the brief moment I was apart of the news team) this girl def deserves this. She does all this extra writing(typing?) she is balancing school work as well.
Category - GRAPHICS
Gamertag - Miss Taviola
Forums Link: @+.Vee
Reasons they deserve this award - From my understanding and what Ive seen for myself, tavie def deserves this. Considering much of the team went MIA and left much of the request to her, she still stuck with it and continues to help users out in the request section. This year, Tavie has proven to be the best and most dedicated on the team.