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Dragons x13

Legend of the Dragoons
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Dragons x13 last won the day on September 25 2020

Dragons x13 had the most liked content!

About Dragons x13

  • Birthday 07/14/1992

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  • Interests
    Gaming, web art, and anything else that catches my eye
  • Gamertag
    Dragons x13
  • Squad
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    No where
  • Rank/Title
    Just me

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    Dragons x13#0007
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Dragons x13's Achievements

Supreme Member

Supreme Member (4/4)



  1. This guy, lol. How have you been?

  2. You're a legend bro! Thanks again for the FC Recap assist!

  3. Name: KSIxDragon 7 Link to Forums Account: @Dragon 7 Award-/-Achievement: Over Achiever Reason-/-Evidence: currently at 93 awards. Staff Award Requested: The Elite
  4. Ive spoken with Uppish, if its a matter of if im leaving today or not, rest assured, im not going anywhere yet.
  5. Name: KSIxDragons 7 Link to Forums Account: @Dragon 7 Award-/-Achievement: Dedicated Reason-/-Evidence: Ive been here the 3 years straight. @KSI Joe 7 Was the person who Re- Recruited meh.
  6. Category: Director Gamertag: KSI Gruntier 7 Forums Account Link / @: @KSI Gruntier 7 Reasons they deserve this award: Over the past year working with Grunt has given me the chance to see what kind of leader he is. Throughout everything that has happened this year, the good and the bad, he has made it very clear that he will always be here for the members. Anytime I see him on he is constantly communicating and helping anyone he can, and has been known to not even get on a game just to help resolve issues in a very professional manner. I have personally been impacted by his wisdom and judgment several times this year and everytime I have been glad with the way things turned out. Category: Division Leader Gamertag: KSIxRomeo 7 Forums Account Link / @: @KSIxROMEO 7 Reasons they deserve this award: this past year has been a big year of growth for romeo with everything he has been put over and has had to go thru. Time and time again he has proven he knows exactly what he is doing. On several occasions this past year, if it wasnt for his abilities, things could have taken a turn for the worst and I would not be here. Category: CoFounder Gamertag: KSI MeShell 7 Forums Account Link / @: @KSI MeShell 7 Reasons they deserve this award: Seeing what all this woman has accomplished with her squad, the division, and even with the added burdens dept ops, has been amazing. Her level of involvement with the division and community is something to be jealous of and over the past year, I have even appreciated it on several instances. Category: General Gamertag: KSI Wh1skey7 Forums Account Link / @: @KSI WHISKEY 7 Reasons they deserve this award: There is alot this man has accomplished this past year, at various levels and ranks, but the one rank that has stood out as what he was the best at was General. Imo, general is THE HARDEST thing to do in this community, and this man made it look easy. He kept his officers on point with everything, leading by example. He was/is constantly engaging everyone he can. Every thing he does, he handles professionally and still keeps a laugh going. Category: Captain Gamertag: KSI Uppish Forums Account Link / @: @KSI Uppish Reasons they deserve this award: uppish has been all over the place with everything he wants to be involved in this past year, but while he was captain, I've got to say was the most focused, engaging, and diligent captain I have ever seen him. While he was captain in hellborn, he was already handling everything the general should have been handling, such as keeping promotions and recruiting flowing as well as keeping the squad active in/out of gamenights. *still editing Category: Gamertag: Forums Account Link / @: Reasons they deserve this award:
  7. Trixie has proved on multiple occasions her ability to go above and beyond with her squad and the division! She has succesfully led her squad into a split and even rebounded fairly quickly afterward! This woman has helped prove what an efficient squad can do and knocks down barriers for what we expect from squad leadership. She has helped countless members with various issues that most wouldnt, or couldnt. Some of these ways are helping members obtain gold, ensuring every member has someone to play with from the get go, and even going as far as being there for someone to talk to about various things. I can not wait to see where this leader goes and what all she accomplishes.
  8. DntAsk has continuously put herself out there with keeping people motivated, inspired, and positive! I know myself and countless others have been encouraged to keep trucking when feeling low and down, all because she is more than just an ear that listens to us. On several instances when I was in a rough shape with one thing or another, her random, feel good messages was always perfectly worded to make me feel better and look forward to things to come! Almost every member of DM, and countless other members and leaders throughout KSI, have been helped by her one way or another. I know her irl can be very hard to her and make it rather difficult to be on all the time, but she has never failed to be there for the members when they need her.
  9. KSI DK 7 @DK7 I <3 Awards - Award Senpai - Big Kahuna I have 80 awards. ( I would like optic requiem, the onieroi collective, and airborne's legion ) Enlightened I have a community reputation of 261. Forums Rookie I dont have this one yet, i have the others and I have more than 500 post.
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