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KSI Zion 7

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KSI Zion 7 last won the day on December 9 2012

KSI Zion 7 had the most liked content!

About KSI Zion 7

  • Birthday 07/23/1989

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  • Gender
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  • Interests
    Good looking women, baseball, drinking, parties, cars, football
  • Gamertag
    KSI Zion 7
  • Squad
    Oracle TM
  • Rank/Title
    1st Captain

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  • Skype

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KSI Zion 7's Achievements


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  1. Director: KSI Luci Lux 7 Link: http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/22-im-batman/ Reason: Luci has done a great job teaching ALL leaders in Division Meetings and outside his division limits. He has done a great job and a honorable job covering other divisions when directors were out for a few weeks. He shows great pride in being a KSI member and he respects all views of KSI members. Division Leader: KSI Patriot 7 Link:http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/4786-ksi-patriot-7/ Reason: Patriot has given LB a new name and purpose. He enforces respect and loyalty to all leaders in LB and every other division. He might be new as a division leader but heck he is the "rookie of the year" in other words. Co Founder: KSI Krodis 7 Link: http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/4075-ksi-krodis-7/ Reason: Krodis was recently promoted and ever since then, he has been my best Co Founder. He always asks for advice and never lies to a member. He displays lots of courage and dedication in my division. He helps give ideas to me and my division leader and he is willing to do more than required. General: KSI SpartanGuy Link: http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/6329-ksi-spartanguy/ Reason: He is the only General who has done all of his duties and because of that, he is placed with special trust in helping others when needed when their general has failed. Great General here and I hope others see what I see. Major: KSI RECENSORED Link: http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/5905-ksi-recensored/ Reason: This member alone has over came adversity. He has pretty much taken over his squad when they needed someone to step up. He always asks question in meetings when everyone else doesnt. He takes good notes and mentors many people. He is a huge factor in our divisions success while he has been critizised by other members in the past and he still over came that and today he is a major. I am very proud of this member and he deserves this.
  2. you offer awards, and you automatically decline mine but then you give others theirs?? thanks for using me

  3. you offer awards, and you automatically decline mine but then you give others theirs?? thanks for using me

  4. Name: KSI Caius 7 Link to Forums Account:http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/1794-ksi-caius-7/ Award-/-Achievement: Most Outstanding Award Reason-/-Evidence: The reaso why I would like a shot at this is my reason is pretty close to some of founder and co founders. I was brought into LB to help teach and re educated the division when it was only sitting at 130 members. There were no co founders and half of the generals were poorly trained. LB couldnt contain its members because everyone wanted out. When I volunteered to come to LB over the last 5-6 months, I re educated the whole division starting with SGTs and moving to the Generals. I mentored many officers based on how I educated these people and now we are up to 350 plus. I saved squads from falling and the ones that did fall, I never gave up until there was nothing more to save. I cleaned up my mess though it was my job and I helped the other Co Founder when he was inactive. I have gave it my all though it is my job but I believe this and so does my division leader.. I but HEART into this division and that is one reason why we are at flagship today. I also have been told by many higher ups that they believe I am one of the few the has most improved from when they started in the division.
  5. I'll vouch for him when we was in LB he did very well in Sabre training these members which was a squad of 25
  6. as a former Co Founder of Lazars and one of his Mentors, I am a witness for Lazar
  7. I am his Co Founder and he reminds me of Scarface!! He is crazy
  8. Is that a witness for trainer Luci? as in you witness or you need one
  9. Name: KSI Drake 7 Link to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/1794-ksi-drake-7/ Award-/-Achievement: Gamer Score Hoarder. Mentor. Trainer Reason-/-Evidence: My gamertag currently has 33,368 gamer score. I have mentored many people in KSI including FN DL and LB. I have also trained many people as a Co Founder and higher.
  10. LB I am personally proud of all of you who put time and effort into participating in this. I am very happy to see how everyone is working as a team. Please remember you KSI respects please so make sure you keep a good attitude during game play. LETS WIN THIS FELLAS =0
  11. after reading my statement if it is possible I would like to nominate Sprink for committed as well if thats possible
  12. Name: KSI Sprink Link to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/667-ksi-sprink/ Award-/-Achievement: Trainer Reason-/-Evidence: As I took over Reach which is Sprink's squad. Sprink had alot to improve and fix to be considered a good general under my standards. Its been about 14 days and Sprink not only has been training new incoming PVTs but he has managed to train these younger ranks to change their gamertag to KSI and now he has SGTs and higher dominate his squad numbers. I would like to witness that he trained people and I was in the lobby when he did this. OUTSTANDING JOB this General has done and turning things around. As his Co Founder I am very proud of him and I stand behind him for this award.
  13. Luci "dude i just woke up a little bit ago.....to find out that a cofounder just pink listed 2 people....."

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