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Everything posted by r3b3lxxleader

  1. Captain Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI iamtheBMP94(2CP REAPERS DL) Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/user/17020-ksi-iamthebmp94/ Reasoning why they deserve this - What to say about BMP. Him along with KSI EllisD have gotten a squad that was sitting down at 25 up to 50 in a month and a half and has been working for some of that time as the only officer in Reapers and doing his job and more. He is a great guy that knows his stuff and isn't afraid to go out there and talk to people. I'm in a party with him most nights after everyone else goes to bed while I'm waiting on my General to get on and just talk about whats going on in DL. Great guy to get to know and some one that has more then earned his current rank and will be a good general. GENERAL Gamertag (rank/division/squad)- KSI VALI. WARLORD DL GEN. Link to forums account: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/15489-ksi-vali/ Reasoning why they deserve this - He came into Warlord as a transfer from another division and took over for KSI Southern 7 when he got promoted to COFO. He had to get used to the ways of how we ran things in Warlord and still keep the squad running and he has done just that. Good guy that loves to go and joke around with and just have fun which is something that is good to have in someone that rank. He has kept this squad running even with all the issues we have had to deal with since he became Gen over us and we are now close to a split and thanks to his leadership we have made it this far even with changes that have happened within the squad. COFO Gamertag (rank/division/squad)- KSI Southern 7. Dark Legions Co Founder. Link to forums account: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/11809-ksi-southern-7/ Reasoning why they deserve this - Since becoming COFO back in January, Southern has had to do the job of a co founder and more due to the fact that the other COFO in DL wasn't able to be on much due to moving so southern was having to do the job of a Founder pretty much but he has done it and has helped this division stay strong and where it is now. He was my general before he became a COFO and he is always willing to joke around with people and just have fun. He'll join you in any game that he has and is just a great person to be around and to get to know.
  2. Gamer Tag: KSIxxr3b3l Moderator or Generals Gamer Tag: KSI VALI Division and Squad: Warlord DL Division-/-Squad-/-Team you wish to Challenge?: Any Black ops 2 squads. Game Platform: Black Ops 2 Gametype-/-any special conditions: preferably hardcore but we can talk
  3. Squad/Division- Warlord DL Game Platform- Black Ops 2 Gametype- HH. TDM. Hardcore Contacts- Captain= KSIxxr3b3l. Co Captain= KSI EliTheMew Extra comments- We just got our team fully set up so we haven't had a chance to practice together.
  4. Name: (Member-/-Squad-/-Division of the person you are nominating) myself. KSI EliTheMew, and KSI kill4life. Link to Forums Account: myself: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/17849-ksixxr3b3l/ KSI EliTheMew: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/19157-ksi-elithemew/ KSI killa4life: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/17656-ksi-killa4life/ Award-/-Achievement: (The award you are nominating this person for) Headhunters Reason-/-Evidence: (Please give reasons to why this person is deserving of the award you are nominating them for) I am the head Captain of the Warlord DL Headhunters team and the people listed above with my name are also on the team that have an account on here.
  5. Thats what I thought and why I asked to make sure and I knew I needed someone else to do it. Thanks.
  6. On the training award is that one where you have to have trained 30 different people or does it count where you have trained up a person more then one time. Most of my trainings are with the same person getting trained up by me.
  7. KSI Southernboy (General/Warlord DL) Link:http://www.ksiforums.org/user/11809-southernboy1125/ Reasoning why they deserve this: He's the kind of guy that you would love to get to know. He loves going and having fun with his squad and will do almost any game with you if he has it. Laid back kind of guy that loves to have fun and make others feel like their welcome in our squad. Gets to know his officers real well and just makes sure everyone feels like they have a place in warlord.
  8. HMU on xbox or on kik if you need me: Kik is KSIxxr3b3l

  9. General Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Southernboy (General- Warlord DL) Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/user/11809-southernboy1125/ Reasoning why the deserve this - Southernboy is the type of guy you would want to be your general. He's not the type to not go into games and play with you, but he will join your games and have fun. You can go up to him on most anything and he will try and help fix whatever is going on. Fun loving guy that you can go and crack jokes with and he'll be telling jokes right back. Good problem solver within the squad.
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