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r3b3lxxleader last won the day on June 27 2022

r3b3lxxleader had the most liked content!

About r3b3lxxleader

  • Birthday April 9

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    xbox. Farming. video games.
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  1. I guess my craziest would be this year at one of our local lakes that’s had a show for 20 years out on an island and this year they caught part of the island on fire during the show. Apparently the first ever time it’s happened and they’ve launched from the island for at least a decade likely longer.
  2. 5/8/22 Forums Workshop: Hosted By: Me Evidence: WD Activity Log Attendance: @KSI Big Mack 92 @Shadow3499 @HELLFIRE919 @GrinchGames
  3. Rank structure certification Date: 5/1/2022 Award: rank structure certified Host: Me Attendance: @KSI Tiberius 194 @KSI Big Mack 92 @GrinchGames Evidence: WD Activity log
  4. There aren’t any staff or supplemental awards I want.
  5. Name: KSI Keener Link to Forums Account: @KSI Keener Award-/-Achievement: Approachable Reason-/-Evidence: I've won the day 5 times. Award-/-Achievement: Highest of Fives Reason-/-Evidence: I have 50 awards Staff Award: None
  6. 4/10/22 Advanced Training Attendance: Hosted by: Me Attendance: @KSI Tiberius 194 Evidence: WD Activity log
  7. Honestly I don't have any certain order but here would be some of my top list without any order. Isekai Smartphone Reincarnated Assassin High School DxD (mostly into it's fanfiction lately) Clockwork Planet How a Realist Hero rebuilt the kingdom
  8. Name: KSI Vali 7 Link to Forums Account: @KSI VALI 7 Award-/-Achievement: Squad Splitter. Reason-/-Evidence: He was the General at the time that the squad we were both in at the time, Warlord DL, split and I took over the new squad and he stayed as Warlord General. Evidence sent to Loyalty on discord.
  9. Forums workshop 3/3/22 Hosted by: Me Attendance: @KSI 0verLord @KSI Victory Proof: WD Activity Log
  10. Forums workshop hosted by: me attendance: @KSI FatGuy evidence: wd activity log
  11. Name: KSI Keener (Was KSIxxr3b3l at time of this award being made eligable) Link to Forums Account: @KSI Keener Award-/-Achievement: Squad Splitter. Reason-/-Evidence: I was a part of Warlord DL in April of 2014 when we reached the right to do a squad split and I became the new General of the brought back squad Demize DL. Evidence sent to Loyalty on Discord.
  12. Basic Training Nomination Hosted by: Me Attendance: @KSI FatGuy Evidence: WD Activity log
  13. Awards: Recruiting, Rank Structure, CAPS, Leadership Aspects, Forums, Basic, Advanced, New Member Hosted By: @KSI Mamatank Evidence: Has had all of the workshops but never got the awards. Attendance: @KSI TyraTreXxuS
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