KSI The Light 7 [Founder, Explosive Ordinance]
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The reason i believe this founder deserves the "of the year" award, is because he is respectful to others, he has the kind of person that likes to help others in their time of need, and the kind of person that isn't afraid of telling you what you need to hear. i am grateful to have him as a founder he is a great man with a lot of potential. he is my inspiration of achieving great things he works so hard and he does ask for anything in return. i think we need more like him, i have seen how hard this man has worked over the past months i have been in KSI and at times i had those points to where i thought i couldn't do it, but i started looking at those that are doing good to see what they were doing and when i was introduced to The Light 7 the first thing he said was "hello sir" i knew after that point that this individual had a strong built character of a person. he was very polite it shows respect and i believe KSI The Light 7 truly deserves this award. Thank You, The Light 7.
KSI Cowgirl [General, Explosive Ordinance]
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I believe Cowgirl deserves the "of the year" award, is because she always gives out her best. I myself was worried about her being General over our squad not because of her just because of what all our squad has been trough and i really want too congratulate her because i think she is a wonderful gen one of the best i should say I'm glad she was able to straighten out most of our squad and with tat being said if she can do that then i think she can do anything she sets her mind to do i think her involvement in the squad made an impact on others as well and our gen is not the best in the world but she does at least try to do her job to the best of her ability and i think thats all we could ask of her. Thank You Cowgirl.
KSI onsucide765 [lieutenant, Explosive Ordinance]
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i have been watching onsucide ever since he was a corporal and i think he deserves this award because he has great enthusiasm he always shows up on time to meetings he lets others know ahead of time if he will be late or if he cant make it he takes the initiative to host game nights this one has potential i like him he is doing an amazing job wish i had more like him. he is a good leader he likes to have all the information so that he can share it with others if they had missed it for example the other night right after officers chat we were getting ready for squad chat i had tried multiple times to join in on squad chat and my Xbox wouldn't let me he had sent me a message not to long after and said "don't worry ill fill you in later sir" its the little things that can be the ones that are most appreciated. and i would like to commend him for taking the initiative of doing as he had done. Thank You, onsucide.
I would have a few more but those other people i would nominate left KSI everyone have a great day i love you all goodnight