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KSI Turtle 7

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KSI Turtle 7 last won the day on September 7 2014

KSI Turtle 7 had the most liked content!

About KSI Turtle 7

  • Birthday 03/28/1995

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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    United States
  • Gamertag
    KSI Turtle 7
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Newbie (1/4)



  1. KSI CODE OF CONDUCT #2 applies to everyone no one is exempt from this.

  2. If you want respect, you must first give it, regardless of rank.

  3. If you want respect, you must first give it, regardless of rank.

  4. He is We, Boys like Girls, and Mayday Parade are just a few of my favorites
  5. Borderlands and Borderlands 2 soundtracks
  6. Mr peabody and sherman good movie about time travel
  7. Thousand Years: Cristina Perri the first song i danced to..
  8. Live for today, because we are not promised tomorrow. be safe guys

  9. a skull is on my mind which is covered with a layer of skin and hair to go atop of it

  10. Please fill out this survey to the best of your ability. This topic will be closed on January 17th. If you have any questions please message myself. Alright Please fill out these questions in a post. NO SPAM! I promise not to spam 1. Have you ever participated in a weekend warfare tournament or a tournament hosted by T&E? yes 2. When you did participate in the tournament, how did you hear about it? Was it via messaging on xbox, or from looking it up on the WW web site? when: around the time i joined in september How i heard about it: a message from a buddy 3. Do you like the current WW site or do you think the site is confusing to use? no not really. 4. Do you think T&E should host more tournaments on the weekends with WW or should there be more tournaments on the weekdays? if there are more black ops 2 related ones then yes 5. What types of tournaments do you like to play in? The fun type tournaments or the competitive MLG tournaments? Both depending on the day 6. What games would you like to see be played in tournaments for WW or for T&E? games that people most have you could do a survey on that (as a suggestion) 7. What types of prizes would you like to see introduced into WW or T&E tournaments? anything from KSI shop items to Xbox accessories and redemption codes.
  11. if life is not what you want it to be,make a change and it will be all that you dream it to be.

  12. i hate how the one post i am most serious in gets put down

  13. Live you life dont waste it thinking back on the past

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