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Everything posted by Serpentrex

  1. ​KSI DeadlyGators Application: ​1. What is your age? Twenty ​2.What is your gamer tag? KSI DeadlyGator ​3. How long have you been in KSI? 5 months ​4. Do you have any experience with WW or any online tournament? Yes ​5. If yes, what experience? I participated in several ww tournaments ​6. Have you had any experience running a tournament at all? Yes ​​7. If yes, what experience? Namechange tournaments ​8. Have you ever had experience running a website?(admin, mod, etc) no ​9. If yes, what experience? ​10. What is your availability for tournaments and events? (days you are online, and how often you play) anytime after 8 and friday saterday all day ​11. What side of the department would you like to be on? Call of Duty or Halo? Both host tournaments for those games, but can host tournaments that are not mainstream? Call of duty 12. What console are you currently on?(this is directed towards people that have the xbox one, so if you are getting it soon after the release then post that you are getting it soon and the same goes with the PS4) xbox 360 ​13. Being a staff member for T&E is not an easy job. You will be expected to work and have full dedication to help make Tournaments and Events a very efficient department in KSI and in the gaming community. Why would you like to become a staff member, and how would you contribute to this department? Having better and more fair tournaments for all to have fun in along with new ideas
  2. Um. Why is everyone givng him advice on being a squad captain. Can u read. It says head hunter captain.
  3. I will be KSI PARADOX IOs Headhunter captain. We will be doing both core and hardcore with all gamemodes.
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