Co-Division Leader:
Gamertag (Rank-Division/Squad)- KSI Thor 7 (CoDiv-Divine Reign)
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Reasoning why they deserve this: KSI Thor 7 deserves this because he is very dedicated to KSI and has done everthing in his power to make sure us generals are doing what we are supposed to do. He has been very easy to contact when a problem arises and isnt afraid to smack a few heads and set people straight. This is why he deserves OTM.
Gamertag(Rank-Division/Squad)-KSIxBlkShdw 7 (CoFo-Twisted Warfare)
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Reasoning why they deserve this: BlkShdw deserves this because he has all the qualities of a great co-founder. He is always willing to give a lending hand to his generals when they need it. He is also very active with lower ranking members and host game nights for his entire division. And even invites members from his old squad to play with his division so everyone can get to know each other. This is why he deserves OTM.
Gamertag(Rank-Division/Squad)-KSIxPinkShdw (Gen-Divine Reign/Aesir)
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Reasoning why they deserve this: PinkShdw deserves this because she works her butt off for her squad. She has been on "vacation" for most of the months and still has put her free time into her General duties. She has been able to keep her squad aflot and has done a great job doing so.