Name: KSI Killaflow / Overload / TW
Link to Forums Account:
Award-/-Achievementhttp: Outstanding service LV1, Member Assistance, Trainer, Griffball, Snipers, Forge
OS1: This member has mastered recruiting and training. They have exelled in their squad as well as TW as an exceptional leader and future leader. He is the physical embodiment of the next great generation of KSI.
Member Assistance: This member strives to help any member that has an issue not only in his squad or even division but KSI as a whole, while keeping chain of Command in mind of course.
Trainer: This member had trained well over the required number and has a total of 61 trains as of this post.
Griffball/Snipers/Forge: This member is currently a member of all of these squad teams.