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Zandy :*

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Everything posted by Zandy :*

  1. ToxicRain deserves this award for everything she has done with KILLJOY, and I think I speak on behalf of all of KILLJOY when I say we could never have a better general the you. Tosic, when I first got recruited into KSI you were by far the most out going and have ever met on xbox. You recruited me and are now in the process of mentoring me and let me tell you guys, she has been doing the best job she possibly could, and for this I say she deserves not only the member of the month award, but also a best friend award, handed to her myself. Thanks Brianna/Toxic for everything and you deserve this award. lots of love, -Kage
  2. Captain KSI ToxicRain (Rank - Division/Squad) - (3CPT - Twisted Warfare/KILLJOY) Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/user/13837-brianna-banana/ Reasoning why they deserve this - Has been out standing due to the fact she has been acting General for KILLJOY since the issues we have had regarding our General leaving. She has handled herself extremely well by leading us better then anyone else can or ever will. Great job Brianna Keep up the amazing work! Co-Division Leader Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Heero 7 / Twisted Warfare Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/user/7261-ksi-heero-7/ Reasoning why they deserve this - He's been the most helpful Co-Division Leader in TW I have seen, He's been doing his job, and deserves this award for all his hard work!
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