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Spazbit ^.^

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About Spazbit ^.^

  • Birthday June 7

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  1. I'm just discussing :] lol but its not a bad idea at all.
  2. You'd have to start this at like.. the 15th or 20th and close it at like the ... 25th?.. which is when you could open of the months?
  3. It's not a bad idea.. although obviously most divisions have 1 div leader, 1 co-div, .. 1 or 2 founders and about the same for Co-fo. It makes the Race more about Generals... but if thats the case wouldn't we put up captains and Lt's too?
  4. does anyone have any comment at all on the 'oustanding committee' o.o;;
  5. Senior Leader of the month: N/a as I have no idea what any of them [ that havent gotten this award a million times ] is doing. Director of the Month: -researching- Division Leader of the Month: KSI x Hitman 7; I kind of dumped LE on him with no notice or anything. i greatly miss my division, but I cannot tell you how proud I am that they are doing so well under Hitman's leadership. They have fully recovered from any numbers lost plus some and are looking at having gained right at 100 members this month pushing them back up to nearly 400 which they are so close to. He has held the division together extremely well as well as opened up 2 more squads.. Currently LE has squads for COD Black ops, Halo Reach, Battlefield 3, Gears of War 3, Modern Warfare 2, and they are geared up and ready to go for Mw3 as well. That is one hell of an accomplishement. Co-Div of the Month: KSI Poseidon / KSI Heretic, Also moved up the chain when I left, and has done nothing but incredible work keeping LE organized and Motivated. He never ceases in his efforts to make the division the best it can be and he makes himself widely available for all members. He is a co-div that I don't doubt a single person in the division doesn't know personally and thats how it should be. He has really stepped up, in making sure that LE transitioned extremely well and that continued growth and excellence. He may be one of the most organised and compassionate people I know within KSI at the current. Founder of the Month: -researching- Co-Founder of the Month: -researching- General of the month: SXE Prophet / KSI Non Prophet. For recovering a dead squad to almost 50 in a week and a half or so? o.O.. Also for the smart decision to change games with the squad when Halo wasnt working for them. Member of the Month: KSI Apoc 7 for his contributions to the website. Most important for paying to get KSI a new sexy logo, as well as TM and Copyrighting KSIGlobal for the community.
  6. i love how my thing doesn't tell me i have a new comment. and yes. i am epic. and no. my ego is just right. ;)

  7. Name: KSI Non Prophet / SXE Prophet Link to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/13-sxe-prophet/ Award-/-Achievement: FTLA Mentor Reason-/-Evidence: He was my FTLA Mentor, Balphy, Iceman cx, UK, or Prophet can confirm this. Name: KSI Non Prophet / SXE Prophet Link to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/13-sxe-prophet/ Award-/-Achievement: Mentor Reason-/-Evidence: My testimony: I',m pretty sure this member has atleast 5 people claiming him as a mentor. I for sure am one of them, he started out as one of my students and as time went on the tables turned and he became a huge mentor for me. I'm unsure who the others may be, but prophet should get in here and call some witnesses. I know there has to be several more out of LE. No voteing on this, until there are witnesses... or a lack there of. Name: KSI Non Prophet / SXE Prophet Link to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/13-sxe-prophet/ Award-/-Achievement: Trainer Reason-/-Evidence: When I was the division leader over LE. When we first started running our recruit tag prophet was a trainer for LE and trained far more than 20 people. He also ran this program for us as Head of Training for a while.
  8. Maybe so, but after going through all 580 something closed forms individually and checking profiles to get this list, im not starting over. sorry.
  9. I suppose they could reapply as long as they could provide the proof?
  10. thanks for the XG thing, and there were alot of awards not pulled over.. master recruiter being one of them.
  11. ... I'm confused.. what rest of the links?
  12. Something Else That Coincides with this is a conversation that Meeps and I had yesterday. He had an idea about setting up a committee and I'll just post his response for people to discuss because it affects when and how the outstandings awards are re-issued. Sent Yesterday, 02:21 PM idea for the out standing 3-5 people from different area's from ksi will go and discuss where all outstanding people will lie. all new nominations for outstanding will be Bronze to start off and the committee who will meet every other month will decide apon what status the outstanding member will stay at (Bronze-Platinum) Sent Yesterday, 04:51 PM also i got another idea for ya in the same context of the committee, what if we only inducted 1 person every 6 months into platinum out standing award, 2 every six months for gold, 3 for silver and 6 for bronze (obviously not those exact numbers but i would like to keep all these prestigious as possible)
  13. lol Thanks.. I just wanted people to get back the stuff they really deserved
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