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Retired Scottish Guy
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Everything posted by Scotland

  1. Welcome to the "Of the Month" awards. Here, you can vote for the members you believe have worked the hardest at their respective ranks. Rules 1. No Favouritism should be posted - Ex. I think they deserve this award because we are friends. 2. No self-nominations 3. List reasoning on why the person deserves the award. 4. Please only nominate in the categories listed below. All nominations outside of this scope, or without properly filling out the given form, will be discounted. Please note: You should nominate people for the rank they held for the majority of the month in which you are nominating them for, not a newly promoted rank at the end of the month. The purpose of this is to nominate those who have been "The best in their respective ranks for this months nominations". Any questions about this please contact KSI Scotland 7/ KSI Emmmy 7. ---------- Please follow the guideline below Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - Link to forums account - Reasoning why they deserve this - Example: General - KSI iLLuSii0N 7 / Spider SH General Link - http://www.ksiforums...si-illusii0n-7/ Reasoning - This member has worked his butt of for his squad by altering how game-nights were being ran to make them more organized and has got his squad from 35 people to 85 in the last month. ---------- Categories: Senior Leader (SENIOR DIRECTOR through CEO) Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - Link to forums account - Reasoning why they deserve this - Director Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - Link to forums account - Reasoning why they deserve this - Division Leader Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - Link to forums account - Reasoning why they deserve this - Co-Division Leader Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - Link to forums account - Reasoning why they deserve this - Founder Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - Link to forums account - Reasoning why they deserve this - Co-Founder Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - Link to forums account - Reasoning why they deserve this - General Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - Link to forums account - Reasoning why the deserve this - Captain Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - Link to forums account - Reasoning why they deserve this - LT Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - Link to forums account - Reasoning why they deserve this - Forum Staff (ADMIN/MODS/DEPARTMENT HEADS) Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - Link to forums account - Reasoning why they deserve this - Member Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - Link to forums account - Reasoning why they deserve this - Happy voting! and Good luck! Remember that if you are nominating on a mobile device, let us know so we can count your nomination!!! Thank you! Spread this to your friends and squad mates to get the best out of the OTMs! These nominations close on the 7th of October.
  2. 1 More witness to claim killer as their mentor, unless another current witness changes their verbage. Thanks.
  3. As discussed with Killer King, there needs to be an explicit claiming of the nominee as the witnesses mentor. Stating that he deserves the award and has helped you does not suffice.
  4. Wrong kind of forum staff bud - This applies to Forums staff, GMs and Admins.
  5. Perfect, now I'll need a co founder + to witness for this, due in part to your general being on the team.
  6. This is an original idea, and one I would love to see spread throughout the community, however until it is spread around a little it would not be eligible. Keep this one on the backburner until it spreads then bring it back to our attention and we will review it! Any questions please just PM me!
  7. Headhunters Teams within a Squad / Division are 8 man teams, Please provide a witness (General of squad or above) to the 8 persons on this HH team.
  8. Closing in 48h if no witness movement.
  9. If not further witnesses step forth this nomination will close in 24h. Thank you. Pending Awarding Helping hand& trainer. Closed.
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