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Retired Scottish Guy
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Everything posted by Scotland

  1. Please provide links to these nominations as part of your evidence.
  2. Link has been verified. Staff vote please
  3. Which games coming out in the next 6 months will the senior leadership be looking at to potentially make new squad types on?
  4. I am aware that discord has for the most part replaced kik and has been spreading around the community. Now for verification can I get a leader or 2 to witness that Igan is going to be the one to get credit for moving KSI towards discord?
  5. Can we have a witness to collectors dedication to KSI?
  6. Hi, please be more specific on what you are witnessing. Thanks! Still require a witness.
  7. Assuming - Making an Ass of you and me . In the future please ask. Remaining staff vote please.
  8. You mean like Spirit week participant?
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