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Retired Scottish Guy
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  1. Ok Staffies, this has been open for awhile now. If y'all are comfortable please start your voting
  2. This nomination has been open for 12 days - Witnesses will not be accepted after the 30th at midnight. Staff voting will commence then.
  3. I deem it necessary for me to voice my thoughts on this members performance and outstanding service to this community. Killer has done and gone through what I did myself and more in his short time in this community, I have personally witnessed him stay up with his members from normal times in the UK, to ridiculous times in the morning. I have gone to bed, telling him not to stay up too late, to rejoin his party the next morning. While I was kept away from Clan Ops I kept an absent eye on Last Strike, while Killer and Bearded had the helm. I watched my beloved division that Introduced me to this amazing community buckle and crack under the previous leaders eye, and then come back from the brink. As previously stated Killer received the Resurrection award due to having his divisions numbers fall to rock bottom levels, but with his careful leadership he brought it back up to fighting numbers, then taking it further to be one of the larger divisons in the community. Hopefully flagship is coming soon. I had sat in on multiple of Killers training sessions and impromptu sessions when members have approached him for help. He has not allowed his rank to go to his head. He sits down, explains things to those in need, before explaining that he expects them to follow Chain of Command from there on out. With small actions like this he has managed to do something I was unable to sustain which is a constant progression in the majority of his squads. Not only has he managed more splits in the last few years of the History of LS, but they have sustained these splits and moved towards making more! I have also had the pleasure of Killer being on my Staff, While here he has maintained and progressed his knowledge of the AAP system, of which I have seen him spreading to his members. They do not always listen to him, but he does try his best, which is more than i can ever ask for. All in all Killer has risen above the normal expectations of any member, regardless of rank.
  4. Hi All, Only Productions (co) Heads should utilize this thread. Post up when new people subscribe to the KSI Live! Please post here in the following format; Gamertag : Profile Link: Thats it!
  5. Looking for some movement on this one. Been 6 days. If it gets to 7 days I will put a 48hour closing date on this.
  6. Its everyone's favourite time of the month! Welcome to the "Of the Month" awards. Here, you can vote for the members you believe have worked the hardest at their respective ranks. Hopefully we get some spirit week nominations in here! Rules 1. No Favouritism should be posted - Ex. I think they deserve this award because we are friends. 2. No self-nominations 3. List reasoning on why the person deserves the award. 4. You must have over 40 Posts registered to your profile to participate i.e - Nominate Any breaking of the above rules will null and void your nominations ---------- Please follow the guideline below: Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - Link to forums account - Reasoning why they deserve this - Example: General - KSI iLLuSii0N 7 / Spider SH General Link - http://www.ksiforums...si-illusii0n-7/ Reasoning - This member has worked his butt of for his squad by altering how game-nights were being ran to make them more organized and has got his squad from 35 people to 85 in the last month. ---------- Categories Senior Leader (SENIOR DIRECTOR through CEO) Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - Link to forums account - Reasoning why they deserve this - Director Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - Link to forums account - Reasoning why they deserve this - Division Leader Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - Link to forums account - Reasoning why they deserve this - Co-Division Leader Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - Link to forums account - Reasoning why they deserve this - Founder Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - Link to forums account - Reasoning why they deserve this - Co-Founder Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - Link to forums account - Reasoning why they deserve this - General Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - Link to forums account - Reasoning why the deserve this - Captain Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - Link to forums account - Reasoning why they deserve this - LT Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - Link to forums account - Reasoning why they deserve this - Forum Staff (ADMIN/MODS/DEPARTMENT HEADS) Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - Link to forums account - Reasoning why they deserve this - Writer Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - Link to forums account - Reasoning why they deserve this - Member Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - Link to forums account - Reasoning why they deserve this - Productions Team Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad)- Link to forums account- Reasoning why they deserve this- GFX Artist Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad)- Link to forums Account- Reasoning why they deserve this- Happy voting and Good luck! Remember that if you are nominating on a mobile device, let us know so we can count your nomination! Thank you! These nominations close on the 8th of August.
  7. I will be messaging you personally, however please review the below as you seem to know the requirements so well. " General and Officer Team (LT - CPT) have split a squad, only available to those who were part of the original officer staff and split. New squad must grow by 25 members in 2 months time. -Founder and Higher Rank must witness- " @VeRiiTaS 7 Are you able to witness to this award to the full requirements?
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