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Kirito Shana

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Everything posted by Kirito Shana

  1. So KSIxScotland has been so much help to me, He came in with alot of show and popularity.. And he knew much because he sits and listen and learn from everything... He mentored me for many months and has got me through many things such as squad issues, and peronal KSI issues. He gave me a better insight of looking at anything. And he most defenitly has my respect and graditude. You go Scotty!
  2. My poor baby couldnt sleep... She just did somewhere around 4am

  3. SadFace Shivahs Trainer thinks I suck....

  4. Founder- GT-KSI Shivah 7 (LS) Link-http://www.ksiforums.org/user/12974-trainer-shivah/ Reasoning- I have seen her go through all the ranks from gen to now founder... She has done good for all of the ranks shes been through.. But its different for Founder.. She has been a good leader and has made a name for herself in this time.. Everyone in LS Likes shivah! She makes tough decisions im sure. But so far as I can see its for the better or good. Its a hard job. But she has it down and I think she deserves this more than anyone! Captain- GT-KSIxAmazing (Echo LS) Link-N/A Reasoning-I have known amazing for a longggg time! He has always been one of them people that can make you laugh but when it involves his job he gets serious.. He is one captain I never thought would get the chance he deserves. But he got it and he is showing his worthyness. His fellow echo members love him. I do I know that for sure. But he has a chance to go far and I cant wait to see him succeed!
  5. ShivahsTotodile To ShivahsUmbreon

    1. Scotland


      Time to change mine then! (;

  6. Got a new laptop so yeah Imma bad ass!

  7. I never thought I would be stuck and enjoy being in a pokemon squad

    1. CaRmEnIa


      There are Pokemon squads???

    2. Scotland


      My squad is the best pokemon squad! (;

  8. I Love Anime and I love Hentai

  9. I am in love with KSI Xo Neko oX

  10. I am talking to my old best friends!!!

  11. Name- Shivah Echo/Memories Last Strike Link to forums account - N/A Award-/-Achievement Silver Outstanding Service L2 Reasoning - KSI Shivah 7 has been an astounding member ever since I joined. (1st Cpt - Co-Founder) She has done more work in that she needs to do. Which is something I feel proves she deserves this. People know her for a person that has all open ears and makes good choices. Everyone that has seen her at work can tell you she is amazing at her job. And has all rights to admit it.
  12. Name - KSI Jezrien 7 Link to Profile - N/A Rank - Co-Div LS Reasoning - Jezrien is one of them people that are feared do to several things. And straight forward. But people don't know when you get to know this man you will never think he would be feared.(unless you get on his bad side) What I mean by that is he is a really nice guy! But he changes when it comes to getting things straight in his divison. And for the better. I feel he is one of the people that would ruin his reputation to fix something major and keep it fixed in KSI. I have nothing to say bad about Jezrien. Name - KSI Shivah 7 Lnk to profile - N/A Rank - Co - Founder (Echo/Memories) Reasoning - I have to say I have endless comments on shivah!!! She is absoulutly one of the best members I have ever seen. Respect for this woman is eternal. She goes and interacts with her squads a lot! But when I say that I don't mean just talking to them and hanging out with them. No she goes and helps everyone to her best of ability and has open ears for something you need to talk about. She is loved by everyone!! She reminds me of the some of the people I used to look up to in KSI. Name - KSIxScotland Link to Profile - N/A Rank - 1st CPT Echo Reasoning - Me and scotland have a lot of things in common. I have a lot things I can say good about him and theirs an even amount of friend like things and KSI related things. One main thing about himI love is he is a very nice guy. He hangs out and jokes with peole and makes everyone brighten up. Everyone looks up to this guy and no one can lie. He is the best CPT and member I have ever seen in KSI.
  13. I am witnessing Jezrien/Bahumut fo mentor award! Jezrien has always been there for me when ever I am struggling wether it something thats personal or KSI related. Hes always open ears for anyone he thinks deserves a chance.(everyone =P) Never have I had an issue or been nervous talking to him. I have known him since the begining of my KSI career. I looked up to most people that support anyone with personal issues and don't just tell them to brush it off. An hes never told me that he cant help. If you ever just sit in a party with him you may just get caught up in one of them five hour talks with him. I sure could and we talk for like two hours before. But Jezrien sometimes just have to make tough calls. And sometime they will end bad but I understand how much pressure that can put on someone. Never will I think that he made a stupid choice for no reason. Tear and repair to make something better. You know. But yeah Jezrien has helped me for multiple things and I thank him for that. He will always be on of my mentors.
  14. Finally I got my moms friend debie to get on her computer.!! =)

  15. General KSIxGoddess-Echo,Last Strike- Link to the forums acoount-N/A Reason why they deserve this- Echo was struggling really badly, But she just brought us back and made are squad coming close to split. But she didn't just go recruiting because she's GEN. She just has a way to motivate everyone to work alot harder. She is also so caring for her squad she will go out of her way to talk about a issue your having. Wether its a personal matter or within the squad. Shes also very smart with know she ask to promte. So far all of the people she has promted has been do on heck of a job. Over all shes a really good person and a really good GEN. I think she desreves this position more then anyone else.
  16. Just woke hoping for a good day! =P Cant wait for my awesome general to get on.

  17. Just chilling in a party with KSI homicide on xbox msg for invite.

  18. Im so excited to finally get on teh forums and be active!!!

  19. Thnx I so happy to finally get my Forums acc situated ^_^

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