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KSI Tube

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About KSI Tube

  • Birthday 08/06/1997

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  • Gender
  • Location
    San Antonio Texas
  • Interests
    GTA IV, Forza Horizon, Black Ops 2.
  • Gamertag
    KSI Tube
  • Squad
    Nemesis TW
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  1. I am here to witness for nighthawks outstanding service. This guy is constantly working. He hosts game nights all the time, goes to any game night that happens while he's online. Even for other squads. He is always looking for recruits too. I've seen him go recruit for himself & hear that another member in a different squad needs a recruit and he gave his guy to the other squad to help. Then he went out and recruited till he got the recruit he needed for himself. He controls game nights very well too. If people are saying inappropriate things or getting out of hand he calms them down without ruining the fun mood. He is always looking to learn more too. Always trying to grow & be better. He is an amazing example to everyone around him. I always hear about him helping someone with a problem or helping by answering questions and this guy won't stop till he gets it handled. I think he really deserves this award.
  2. I am here to claim Legal as my mentor. He was there when I was recruited & he trained me. He's always been there to help me with tough choices I had to make. He puts his time into helping me know what options are available to me & helped to make me the sgt I am. I know who I'll be looking to as I move into an Xbox 1 squad & become an officer again as well. Legal is a perfect example of a mentor and highly deserves this award.
  3. I can witness that Stinker deserves this award. I have gone to him needing help personally & he has helped me solve my problems. He always takes his time to help anyone who needs it. He deserves this award for sure.
  4. I claim PlNK as my mentor. I think she deserves this because she does everything she can to help anybody out. She's a mentor not only to me, but to a few more extremely lucky people. She's been working so hard to help out other squads, and other members. She's an amazing person who always gives her time just to help others out how ever she is able. PlNK has mentored me on being a good SGT, recruiting, training, game nights, being promoted, as well as personal issues. KSI PlNK 7 FTW <3
  5. I also witness this for Pink. She is my mentor, and she helps anybody in any way she can. She is a great leader and should definitely get this award.
  6. Welcome to the forums KSI Tube :)

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