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Daryl Dixon

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About Daryl Dixon

  • Birthday 04/14/1995

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    Good Stuff.
  • Gamertag
    My God Mode
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  1. Hello, In my very short service within KSI VENOM WI I've noticed how certain individuals stuck to there own little groups and kind of neglected certain member like the noobs and new blood. But, what stopped me from giving up on KSI and lead me to change my name and pretty much got me wanting to flourish within this Gaming Community was a message from both 30thMidget and Sad Tempah. Although I sent my message to the squad tag about how I felt neglected as a recruit, 30thMidget did what any good General would do; he reached out. Apologized to me, and put those words into action by letting everyone know its time to wake up. I got a friend request from Sad Tempah and I get game invites pretty frequently now. Even Sweetpea was cool enough to send a squad message saying: "Hey Welcome TOG Armageddon to KSI!" (My old Gamertag) A situation regarding Sad Tempah: he approached me with an issue of how I was being to Roostery (me being of a proud nature naturally retaliated and some what lashed out at my superior before I knew his rank; which is no excuse, sorry Tempah lol) he stayed "Cool. Calm. and Collected." Just as our proud General, and defused the situation with utmost maturity and charisma, a quality most revered in a leader. Tempah and 30thmidget are one of the same, both amazing leaders I look up to with respect and admiration, which is the highest honor I can bestow as an individual. And I know that they both have the flame of Inspiration and Courage that wont faulter that rubs off on all the members of squad that they watch over and then some. I witnessed these evident events within my short but continuing service in this squad, and witness the nomination of the Award for Outstanding Service. (Sorry, I know it seems Im rubbing their knobs; but I sincerely and honestly mean every word I say 200%. If this means anything coming from a SGT xD) _with respects to whom this may concern_
  2. Got 99 Problems... and a Walker ain't one...

  3. "It's a Good a Night as any."

  4. Im looking for my brother; You seen him?

  5. Welcome to the forums Daryl Dixon :)

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