Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Alley BANSHEE ES 3LT
Link to forums account or @ mention - @KSI Alley
Reasoning why they deserve this - Alley has been a tremendous asset since transferring to ES. It took her a bit of time to find her comfort zone, but this past month she has definitely found it and showed her true potential. Whether it has been just stepping up to assist her new GEN or being a friend for members in her squad. She is very laid back and soft spoken, so she can handle situations differently than some other officers in her squad can. She has stepped up in every department that she has been asked to and goes above and beyond her call of duty.
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI DJ K1LLA 7 ES Co-Division Leader
Link to forums account or @ mention - @Tylor Nechvolodoff
Reasoning why they deserve this - DJ is probably the most unsung hero in ES' success. While being the most laid back and quietest 7 in ES, he puts forth tremendous effort and work ethic into everything he handles. He does an amazing job looking over the recruit club and making sure all recruits are getting added as quickly as possible. He is a person who is not afraid to "get dirty" with the members of the division, shown by his recent brand new recruit into one of our squads. He is always on top of the join/rejoin section and making sure people are taken care of in a timely manner. When it comes to handling situations, DJ is one of the best and a great asset to take into a situation. You can handle a lot of situations in a good cop/bad cop style because of how laid back and easy going DJ is. DJ remains very active with as many people in the division as he can and he loves to socialize within each squad. DJ went through a few rough patches this month, but remained focused and determined to keep growing and moving forward with ES and KSI.