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Mr.Jiggy 7

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Everything posted by Mr.Jiggy 7

  1. Co-Founder Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Hedgie 7 (Co-Founder - Shadow Haven/No Squad) Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/user/6443-ksi-hedgie-7/ Reasoning why the deserve this - Hedgie is an awesome guy, who from the looks of it is willing to help anybody with anything they need. He is an outstanding member to this community and will do great things for KSI and SH both. He is a well trained, great leader who many will follow based on his actions and activity as well as kindness to all members. Hedgie has obviously gone above and beyond his call of duty. General Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI The Doctor (General - Shadow Haven/Phoenix) Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/user/4993-doctor-preenus/ Reasoning why the deserve this - The Doctor is an outstanding member in this community and is directly over myself in the squad, and has been doing a great job with the squad and getting more people to want to be with him and follow in his footsteps. He is a very active member in the squad and on forums as well. He is doing everything that a General should do an more. He wants the best for his members and are always putting members needs in front of his own. He did win this last month as well, however, I see him as the general of the month again. He is always pushing and driving everyone to be better for themselves. Great member. Member Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Sniper Joe (SGT - Shadow Haven/Phoenix) Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/user/12474-ksi-sniper-joe/ Reasoning why the deserve this - Wow. Where can I even start with this. A personal recruit of mine, has been in before long time ago, but his leadership skills and ways to communicate to members is ridiculously amazing. He has been in for a few weeks now and he is doing anything and everything he can to make the squad more active, to get more recruits, to help members in all situations. He is absolutely outstanding, and I can't wait to one day see what he is going to accomplish for SH. He is hosting game night and filling up lobbies, he is simply awesome and has me speechless. He deserves this 100%.
  2. Outstanding Service Level One - Yes Mentor - No [Need more witnesses] Member Assistance - Yes
  3. Member Assistance - Yes Mentor - No [Need more witnesses] Trainer - Yes
  4. Grifball - Yes Sniper - Yes Forge - Yes Trainer - Yes Member Assistance - Yes Outstanding Service Level One - Yes
  5. I'm still going to hold my vote until more witnesses come here.
  6. Headhunter - Yes Sniper - Yes OS Silver - Holding my vote until more witnesses step forward.
  7. Got promoted to Third LT tonight. Woot Woot. Time for bed.

  8. Got promoted to Third LT tonight. Woot Woot. Time for bed.

  9. OK Closed and awarded. Congratulations!
  10. I need 2 or 3 more witnesses like Jess and I'll say yes.
  11. Bright Idea - No Ice Breaker - Yes
  12. Yes to all. Chaos is one BAMF
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